Healing Embrace

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I lay there in the hospital bed, pale. My eyes were dull, and the once-cheerful laughter that had always filled any room I entered was now silent. The only joy I had now was when my friends came visiting; a spark of light returned to my eyes. The hospital was just a stone's throw from our house, so they'd usually sneak out in the evening to come see me. That was the only thing that gave me joy.

They'll come bringing leftover snacks as gifts and stories of what transpired in school and at home, so I never felt left out. Their laughter echoed off the walls. In that moment, I always knew that he was not alone, that his friends would always be there to brighten his days, and that they loved me.

Little did I know, the sickness would soon escalate to the point of being transferred to a distant hospital in another state by the hospital.

"They're specialists in paediatrics," the doctor said to ad. I didn't understand what the word paediatrics meant, but I was sure dad did.

This particular news shattered me. I realised it meant I was going to be far away from my friends, who were my constant source of joy at that moment. Like a lifeline keeping me together. I would miss them.

I tried resisting the transfer, pleading with my dad to let me stay closer to home. But dad never bulged. Soon I found myself in a hospital bed miles away from home, feeling lonelier than ever despite my family's presence.

I couldn't explain it, but the absence of my friends left a big void in my heart, and every day I longed for their familiar faces and long talks about home and school.

My ever-observant mother noticed my longing for home and my friends. Although mom was always there with me and dad visited every two days, I still felt lonely.

"You miss them, don't you?" my dad asked one time as I lay on my mom's laps as she fed me.

But I only nodded.

"Your mom and I only mean well for you. This new hospital will see to it that you're okay in good time. Just be patient; you'll see them again," Dad encouraged me.

I only nodded again.

Yet, determined to bring a smile to my face, dad orchestrated a heartwarming surprise that would forever remain etched in my memory.
One day, as I lay in my hospital bed, lost in fitful sleep, I was roused by the sound of familiar voices. Blinking back drowsiness, I was stunned to see the familiar faces of my friends gathered around me, their faces beaming with love and concern. Confusion mingled with overwhelming joy as I struggled to comprehend their presence.

"Dad?" I murmured, searching for an explanation.

He only smiled as he stepped into the room with a bag of groceries. I waited as he revealed the truth behind the unexpected reunion. "I saw how much you missed your friends, so I took permission from their parents to bring them here to cheer you up," he said, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I embraced my friends, feeling their comforting presence wash over me like a soothing balm.

Finally, I was surrounded by the laughter and innocence I longed for, and the weight of my illness gradually dissipated.

Throughout the day, we reminisced about happier times. My friends shared stories about school and home. Our laughter echos through the sterile hospital walls.

In the days that followed, I quickly recuperated and prepared to return home. And also, my dad brought with him my friends to take me home.

We were kids, but their unwavering support and unwavering friendship served as a beacon of light for me in my darkest of times.

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