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The Ink Well Fast and Furious Festival - Day 2

Source: Pixabay

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My entry to the second Day of the Fast and Furious Festival. If you want to know what it is about check The Ink Well Fast and Furious Festival - Day Two.

Task One

Describe a room (eg kitchen, bedroom, living room) in a character's house in such a way that it tells us about a person's greatest hopes and fears.

My exercise

The living room had a window to look out onto the street. The parquet floor was old but well maintained. A blue couch was taped to the wall and served to rest or watch the television in front of it. Above the television, there were three wooden sections with books of world literature. A small iron and glass table was on one side of the room. On top of the table was a vase with tulip flowers.

The room was clean and impeccably arranged. The window was almost always closed, but on sunny days the room was lit through it. Three walls were painted white, while the wall behind the TV was dark green. Nothing hung on them.

Women's shoes had been left on the front door with puddles on the soles. The smell of freshly lit incense and the shoes indicated that it was five o'clock in the afternoon, tea time.

Task Three

Choose a famous moment from history and create a new fictitious element: write about the setting. For example, "A romance for Napoleon just three days before the battle of Waterloo."

My exercise

At Jesus' last supper with his disciples, they drank a lot of wine. Peter who was not used to drinking the nectar of the grape was completely dizzy and could not get up from the earthen floor.

The rectangular table occupied the entire room that had no windows. The thirteen men sat around the table, and a lady came and went with food and more wine through the only wooden door in the room. Peter looked at her with lustful desires but every time he went to say something to the lady he was always interrupted.

It became dark, and it was necessary to light some candlesticks to keep the room lit. Jesus had already told him that he would betray him three times, but Peter, though he was offended, had forgotten the prophetic words. He raised his glass each time to celebrate the magnificent dinner.

Some little mice also strolled about the room carrying bread scraps for their caves. Meanwhile, Peter was wetting the floor with dirt when he knocked the wine carafe off the table.

Everyone laughed at Pedro's disaster. They helped him up and laid him down on a wall, also made of earth. They moved the long wooden table until it was placed near another wall. Then they began to dance in the center of the room to happily say goodbye to their master who, also dizzy from the wine, had fallen asleep next to Pedro.

Because I started these exercises late, I have not performed them correctly in terms of time. Today I have been quick and flash. For my next tasks, I will have a clock near me to write and read with timetables.
Thanks for reading.
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