Garey the soothsayer and Emma.

Emma was on her way out to the gym when Garey stopped her, "Young lady, you will have a bad day today, if you are not careful", Garey said to her.


Emma looked confused " Who are you and why will you make such utterances?", she inquired.


"I am Garey the soothsayer, everyone in this neighborhood knows me, I see you're new here.
Well, someone will get you angry, make sure you don't reply, just walk away even though it may be hard." Garey acted like he was in trance, and then he left her.

Emma stood there for about 10 minutes trying to process what has just happened, "well, well" she hopped into her car and zoomed off.
She was just thinking about what Garey said to her, " It's his guts for me," She muttered.

In about an hour, she got to the gym, picked up her bottle of water and her waist trainer, and then walked into her session for the day's workout.

After the days work out she headed to the parking lot, she managed to enter her car and tried to reverse, so she could head for home, but she heard a sound that seemed someone had hit her bumper from behind, "Who is that fool? Are you blind?", she quickly uttered as she rushed out of the car,

A young-looking lady seemed to be the driver too to who Emma was referring, " I had wanted to say I'm sorry, but you've already abused me, so go get your sorry elsewhere", she said through her window, and then she tried to zoom off.

"Are you serious right now? Can you see the damage you caused my car and you telling me shit?", She started to hit the glass of the driver's window, get your ass down right now, Emma demanded.

"You wanna see crazy right?" The lady replied, so she obliged and got down of her car, "What do you want me to do? I am down now" This time she was looking really upset and her gaze was fixed on Emma.

"I demand an apology from you or you fix my bumper", Emma snapped back.

" You joking right? After raining abuses on me?" The lady responded, "Please get off, or I will run you over with my car, I am that crazy!".
The whole scene was getting infuriating as Emma refused to leave the way,

" You wanna run me over" are you crazy right now?" Emma said of which a slap accompanied her response.

The lady slapped back and Emma got upset this time, she decided to cause damage to the lady's car in return, and she went straight into her car brought out a jack, and then hit it right on the windscreen of the lady's car "We both have something to fix now, bitch!" Emma angrily said.

At that point, the lady got upset and so she called her thugs who were watching from a distance, she's the king of boys, and she ordered them to beat Emma mercilessly and ensure she pays for the damage.

Immediately, Emma sighted the boys, she recalled what Garey had told her earlier on, "Damn! I should have believed that man, this is a bad day, I wish I could visualize all Garey said, now I am in a mess".

The boys jumped on her and beat her up mercilessly, they took her off to only God knows where, " If you want to stay alive, send the money to fix the damn windscreen" they demanded.

At that point, she wished she had ignored the whole saga from the outset, she would have been home by now Netflixing and chilling, but look how bad her day turned.

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