The busyness is not leaving behind.



Hope you are very well. You may have understood my general writing today. I will discuss before you about engagement. Hope you like it. In order to move forward in life, we have to face various tests. Which we may know a little and can guess a little about what may happen next. When we spend in busyness, everything seems to be random to us.

We don't like something. Then we think that if I had a little more time or checked myself a little more, then maybe it would have been better and I could have taken my time better. We don't spend our time well. Because of which we later fall into busyness. And just then it is seen that people fall into depression. From this depression then we have to rise up with great difficulty or no one can rise up anymore.


In our life we pass different tests. Each person has different destiny. There are certain times in our life when we face various trials. But we cannot predict what will happen in front of us. Then it seems that something unknown has entered our mind. Then we cannot remove him from us. People cannot use their time properly. Due to which they get depressed later in these exams or they face various problems. This has several effects on their body and mind. Their family treats them badly.

When we are busy then everything in our life seems to be chaotic. Sometimes we do not understand anything. In our society we find various people who usually want success in job or business. They make use of their time and they succeed in it. Because they manage their busy time very well. And there are people who are going through a very bad situation, they may have family problems because they may have money problems. Due to which they cannot overcome their busiest times. Then someone gets happy and laughs and laughs. Again someone will see you sitting behind the scenes and crying. Someone's tears are falling but there is no one to see those tears.


In this difficult world, I feel like the busiest days and the busiest times are eating up our lives. We don't understand. It's like we don't understand what direction our lives are going in the midst of the busyness. What are we doing in the equation of life? We have no idea about it. I think we have to deal with everything to move forward in the battle of life. Besides, we can never do anything good. In this world of busyness, you have to organize yourself.

Also you can never move forward. And if someone cheats you and goes ahead, it will be very difficult for you to hold him. Now I know why, I think I was better when I was younger. Because I have grown up and made many mistakes. I wish I could get back to my past where I was pretty good. I was with my family and I was close to my family. But now it's the opposite for me.

I don't know how long I have to live in this busy city. I want to do good to achieve good. And to keep yourself away from this busyness all the time. Because no one understands your needs except yourself. And I will definitely motivate myself to keep myself good. To keep myself well, I must take care of myself and I must take care of the people around me. What are they like and how much do they want me? Sometimes it seems that it is very difficult for me to bring up these things to you. But if I do not bring up these things, I can lighten my mind. Anyway you guys will be fine. Hope you like my post.

Friends I am ending my post here by wishing you all good health and thanks.

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