Prompt #50 AI Customer Service

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Prompt Words: Shoes, Mood, Adventure


Date: June 2039

I scrolled through a long list of frequently asked questions on the computer, as the kids bickered loudly in the background.

I gave up. "I'll just call them," I muttered. My patience and attention span were wearing thin.

"I hate you," my daughter said in a shrill voice to her brother. He just continued to laugh.

"Hey. Knock. It. Off." I said slowly and sternly, trying to give them a serious face while also typing the phone number into my phone. "I mean it."

I pressed two for visitor questions, then seven to speak to an AI representative. I listened to some calming, trance-like, instrumental music play while waiting for the next rep.

The music stopped. "Hello, Tesla Adventure Park. My name is Victoria. How may I help you today?" said a robotic, yet feminine, voice.

"Hi, uh, we're planning to go next week and I wanted to see if you require tennis shoes on the rides, or if my kids can wear sandals?" I asked. The kids continued to hassle each other in the background, so I shot them a stern look that said are you sure you want to keep doing that?

There was a pause, and subtle computation sound. "Sneakers are required on all roller coasters, solar bumpers, and rocket launch rides," said Victoria.

"Oh yes," I said, smiling. "My kids definitely want to do the solar bumpers. We'll make sure to wear tennis shoes then."

"It's one of our most popular rides. It gives kids the 'Tesla car experience' without them being able to drive. We even have little charging stations and everything." Her voice said this in a warmhearted, humorous and computerized way at the same time. I didn't know those qualities could coexist.

"Aww," I said. "And, uh.. while I have you on here -- is it cheaper to buy tickets ahead of time?"

I heard a soft computational sound. "Tickets are the same price online and at the park," she said. "But if you buy them at the park on the day of your visit, you may have to wait in a long line."

"Ahh, okay," I nodded my head. "And you take Litecoin?

"We accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Cardano, and Solana. But if you're paying with a different kind of digital currency, we've got you covered. You can use our quick converter that is free of charge. Both online and in-person."

"Oh okay, great," I said. "This makes my life so much easier." I was impressed by the friendly, confident and reassuring customer service they had. It was hard to come across great customer service these days. My mood had altered from from agitated to alleviated. I looked over at the kids who were now giggling while sitting across from each other, scribbling the pages of a color book.

"Wonderful. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" she asked.

"No, I think that's it," I said. "Thanks for your help."

"You're very welcome, Emma" said Victoria. "We look forward to your visit to Tesla Adventure Park. Have a great day and call us any time if you have further questions."

"Thanks." I hung up the phone, feeling great about our future trip. Then I had an eerie feeling as I remembered something: I never gave her my name during our short conversation.

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