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Some things are too good that narrations on about them tend to fit well into fiction especially when it has do with a unique quality. Kindness in its rarity can't be attributed to everyone and I've got Mr. Touray to undoubted praise for saving me from the agony that awaited.

Following a long night of facing difficulty in breathing, I was acompanied to a nearby hospital in a chilly morning of December. Basically, I wanted things to be quick but the long queue meant I could travel twice the distance to another hospital in time but I was so weak already and do not know what we'll find there for sure.

After buying a ticket we sat there impatiently waiting for my turn amongst the lengthy line. Some are in similar conditions or worst but I could only think of how to see the doctor doing chechups as I kept leaning my head on the sides to see how fast things are going.

Literally took me an hour and half to get in front of the queue and less than four minutes to leave the doctor's office. He takes the stethoscope off his shoulders and gears it under his cheeks placing the other end on my chest. Meanwhile, I've been answering his questions about how I was feeling.
"he has asthma." he said, My face suddenly turned pale as he promtly shifts his wobbly chair around and grabbing a medical book for detailing.
Couldn't fill all the prescriptions there so dad had to soar to a few pharmacies when we reached home.

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Spent over two months with periods of short relieves but keeps occurring every now and then despite following the strict guidelines. There's this pharmacist called Mr. Touray at a particular pharmacy I buy my medicines from as they usually have the ones I use. He thought that I might face some bad side effects with the excess absorption of these medicines and suggested a recommended clinic for a deeper test and even played a part in covering the expenses.

The results show that it wasn't asthma but an acute bronchiolitis. I was relieved though it never meant that I was fine or cured especially when I've been using the wrong medications. Mr. Touray appeared happier than I did and kept checking on me whenever he could. It wasn't easy but I eventually got free from bronchiolitis.
It has been a lesson overall but such care emanating from a person I hardly knew proves that his kindness is heartdeep and I honestly can't thank him enough for his efforts.

It's world heart day today themed-
"Use Heart, Know Heart".

Happy heart day to everyone♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️.

Thanks for stopping by.

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