Grandma's Old Clock

Nothing looked the same as Amie stare at the old wall covered with cobwebs and dirt. A step further on the wooden planks came with a cracking sound as the wood gave way. A puff of dust rose into the air and settled on her clothes

"Gosh!" She mumbled, as she dust it off and find her way into her grandma's old room. Memories of this place flooded her mind. It's been 20 years since the crisis but she still remembers everything like it was yesterday. On the old wall sat her grandma's old clock, she moved closer and pulled it out from where it hung. Memories of it brought a smile to her face, she chuckled and checked if it was still good and if she only needed a battery to make the tickling start. Even though she hated the loud sound the clock made when it clocked 6 o'clock in the morning, it was the reason why she had won several prizes for being punctual at her place of work.

"I'm taking you along with me" she said to the animate clock, and imagined it leaping for joy "Alright, Alright, I know you're happy now you will no longer sit lonely, I'll need to introduce you to someone" she imagine Clara laughing, knowing how well she hated the sound of the clock.

She was 9 and Clara was 6 when they lived with Grandma In Boston. The clock was Grandma's check time, she expected everyone to wake up once the clock rings the loud alert. If there was a time she hated in Grandma's house, it was the morning hour. She remembered Clara once asked if there was no other way to wake them up peaceful rather than the loud annoying alert and grandma with a smirk with nod her head and say "Nah, nah!, My mother used it On me, I used it on your mother and now it's your turn and probably you'll need it for your children''. It's been a long time and no such clock was sold at that time. Holding the clock, she missed grandma and most especially the memories she wished she would have passed down to her children.

"Oh war, See what you've done" she said aloud and checked further if there was a way she could fix the clock, even if it can't be fixed, she wanted to keep the memory of it.

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"See what I have for you" Amie Said to Clara as she pulled out the old wall clock.

"Oh my God! Amie" Clara exclaimed. Tears rolled down Clara's eyes, Amie didn't expect it. Maybe she had done the wrong thing by bringing back memories she thought as she dropped the clock and embraced Clara who was now sobbing.

"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have brought this here. I'll discard it if it'll cause you more pain"

"No, no, don't! " Clara retorted almost immediately, "I'll be fine, this clock only makes me miss grandma. I never know this would be the one thing left of the war that will remind me so much of her"

For days Clara remained moody, and Amie didn't like to see her that way. Even though Clara had denied the effect of keeping the old clock, she was afraid Clara may not be able to recover from it if she saw it daily. She decided she was going to discard it without Clara's knowledge, probably take it to the old dilapidated building or throw it somewhere far away where she can't find it. She was still at the thought when Clara came in, this time a bit brightened up.

"Can I see the clock?" She asked Amie

"Hmmm?" She mumbled, wanting to be sure she heard her clearly.

"The clock, I want to see it," she repeated.

Reluctantly she extended the clock to her and watched her sternly to observe her mood. She held the clock for some time as if trying to appreciate it for all the times it has been there for her.

"Can we fix it?" She asked to Amie's amazement.

"Yes! Yes! If it's possible we can" Amie was glad she can finally keep it.

"We'll let mom know what we found, but for now, let's go find an engineer" Amie said, excited that there's something she has in her possession that is grandma's belongings.

This is in response to the Inkwell Contest prompt 166

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