RE: Fiat won't Float

Hahhaha this is a great post, I always make a joke about the lotto whenever anyone asks if I have my ticket. "Got your ticket? It's 5 mil, if you're not in ya can't win." And all that stuff. I always say, "only 5mil? I'd be disappointed by that. I've seen it going way higher..." Joking, not joking. I kind of would be a bit annoyed after seeing the Euro millions jackpots sometimes lol

I think you're right, there has to be some cosmic force at play. When I was 19 I had gone about a year wanting a partner, but I never put myself out there. So I decided, feck it. And just hung out with the lads, playing music and just dossing in general.

Then I ended up in another town at a party, and sure enough. Met my GF, she was kind of intimidating, I was smoking a lot and a bit scared to talk with her, but we got along really well, then didn't talk again for a few months and didn't exchange details. Then I ended up back in that town, bumped into her again, exchanged details and now it's nearly 10 years later and it's been so fun.

Yeah, it's strange how having a job or something seems to make other offers appear. I've noticed that myself, when I'm busy there always seems to be more offers.


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