What does burning the World have to do with it?

Burn! Burn!
Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay

The Boy and the Knight

I stared him in the eyes, this person, the so called greatest knight of all the seven kingdoms, God's chosen Hero, direct descendant of the Immortal King, Legion Commander of the Imperial Army, are just some of the titles this man has and today he leaves for a Crusade against the Demon Queen's Horde.

He knelt in front of me and said.

"Son, I am sorry... I..."

Tears ran down his cheeks, as he stuttered, trying to say something I couldn't comprehend, then he mustered all his might to continue.

"Son, this is the only thing of value to me that I can give you... I wish that... I wish that, I could have been a better father to you... I don't want to leave you all alone here but..."

He hug me tightly then opened my palm and placed something.

"I would burn the World for this."

I watch him turn his back and leave. As his visage slowly disappear, I took a look at my hand and saw two silver rings of different sizes.

Surely, this isn't as valuable as the magical sword on his waist or his blessed armor. I stared at it but could not see what is so important that father would say that to me.



Attending to my father's estate has kept me busy. Eight years have passed unnoticed and I am now sixteen.

As I was patrolling the borders, a messenger on horseback came. He was a knight from the Imperial Army it seems, his breath condensing through his face plate as he spoke.

"The Lord Commander has died in glorious combat against the evil that is trying to succumb our world."

His words felt unreal, how can the worlds greatest knight just... die?

"I as the Lord Commander's retainer bring you his sword Karmosinrød along with these words, 'I am sorry, but I leave everything to you now' —— That is all."

The knight rode away as soon as he finished his duty. In my hand the legendary crimson blade rest, it's magical energy surging through my veins, but for some reason I feel powerless.

I turned towards the border and slowly rode away, my knights stared at me but kept silent as by Imperial Decree, I who is the next in line must continue where my father failed but unlike him, I won't be leaving a boy behind.


The Queen

For three years, I alone infiltrated the Demon Continent, slowly inching my way to the Capital where the Demon Queen resides.

As I lay in wait at the seaside cliff where the ashes of the late Demon Rulers are spread. I saw a young lady with elegance and stride of a Queen facing the wind with dark wings like that of a crow fluttering.

...her hair as red as the sunset, skin fair as the snow, her face... her face...

"Who dares desecrate this sacred ground!"

Her exclamation resounded with the thunder that her staff brought forth, as she slammed it on the ground.

There is no point in hiding now, and so, I slowly walk out of the bushes with sword drawn and at the ready.

"You!? — that sword!... you are the Hero that has been missing for three years now, I was hoping you were really dead, but this saves me the trouble of confirming it."

I dashed toward her as she pointed her staff towards me; shooting out high density magic particles at a staggering velocity. A few singed my cloak but I was able to get at striking range.

"Aegis Aeternum!"

Four massive steel round shield burst from the ground making me falter, and fall back to re-think my strategy.

"Human! I want you to feel every bit of suffering your race has brought on to us and with this, I will send you back to whence you came..."

"... Grand Magic: Exardescere Solaris."

An enormous ball of fire slowly takes shape above her, eclipsing the Sun's light. Without time to spare I gave every ounce of strength and magic on to Karmosinrød, then threw it like a spear aiming it directly at her staff.

The four massive steel shield piled in front of each other in attempt to stop my sword but the moment my sword lose it's momentum, I dashed in beneath them.

"What!? How...?"

I stood in front of her, terrified as she is unable to break from her spell casting, put my hand on her staff and threw it over the cliff. The artificial sun above us slowly dissipated into nothing.

"My death will not stop this war, another ruler will rise and soon enough we will drive your filthy race off our lands!"

Tears slowly filled her eyes as she stared at me, standing valiantly at her impending doom when suddenly her face flushed.

"Wha.. what are you thinking? I'll jump off this cliff — don't ya dare think, what I am thinking, that you are thinking!"

Her statement didn't make any sense to me, but I kept wondering about those fancy wings of her. She suddenly covered herself with it and pointed a finger at me.

"Wha... What are you looking at?"

My heart felt light, I think I am smiling as I removed from my chest the rings that my father gave me. Took off my leather gloves and wore a ring, then I knelt and presented her the other.

"Tha... that's a Covenant Ring! Do... do.. do you understand what you are doing! This will bind us for life! I... I..."

"...are you fine with just me?"

I just smiled and took her hand that is still pointed at me.

"This doesn't make me happy! But seeing as I am defeated by your hands fair and square... I guess, I guess, I don't have a choice in the matter... but if your fine to taking me as yo—ur wife, I see no problem with it."

She extended her ring finger, I reciprocated by putting the silver ring on it and saying' "I would burn the world for this,".

"Burn the world? What I want is four — no, five children and a castle by a lake! But first of all I want my staff back... please."

I raised both our hands and stared at that small piece of silver wrap around her finger then the person it is attached to.

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