The Summoning [Fiction]

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A deep guttural growl echoed, shaking the depths of the earth.

HUH? Where did that noise come from? I groaned and stirred, the clanging sound of my shackles, a reminder of my incarceration, stirred up memories.

Of course, it was me.

I groaned once again and the sound was the same guttural growl. Someone had woken me up. Three thousand-year-old memories of my failure, disgrace, pain and eventually this incarceration flooded back in a flash.

Then I heard the familiar chant:

Creature of ancient power, rise
Sleep not
I call upon your might
Return to light
And heed my call.

This was a language I had not heard in so long. I never dreamed or imagined any human would seek my help after my past failure. Or maybe there was no record of my undoing. I smirked in my curled form. This should be fun.

My form was stiff and my eyes were heavy as I struggled to open them and answer the summoning. I was surrounded by darkness and cold earth. I had been buried deep in the earth for three thousand years, but now I was free.

My memories taunted me as anger and malice rose to the fore of my mind. I stretched out my hands and limbs. The shackles broke into tiny pieces as the human repeated the chant.

Hmm, such desperation. All the better.

A bright light pierced and parted the darkness, beckoning me. I felt the grounds tremble as I stepped into the light and out of my incarceration.

I appeared in a modern bedroom. The human, a young man in his late twenties, with golden blonde hair and blue eyes, sat in yoga style, his hands clasped close to his lips like he was praying.

I took in my surroundings. It was a small but cosy room, with a big bed pushed against the wall. The sheets were neatly made and a few books were piled on the nightstand. The walls were adorned with posters and pictures of this man's favourite bands and movies, giving the room a personal touch.

"Who are you?" I asked, exercising my vocal cord for the first time in millennia. It came out deep and dark. The man who had awakened me scrambled to his knees, his head raised and tipped back, his eyes widened in shock at the gigantic sight of me.

I smirked.

"M-my name is Emmoden," he stuttered and quickly bowed.

"Emmoden Imanche," I drawled and stepped out of the pentagram drawn on the floor to walk around him, enjoying his fear. The room was thick with its stench. "You look comfortable and have almost everything you need. What, then, do you want? Why have you summoned me?"

"I-I need your help. I'm in love with my classmate in college but she wouldn't love me back. I want you—"

"I'll stop you right there, human," I growled.

The stench of fear grew thicker. I had always known humans were such fearful, puny beings but it seemed they have grown weaker. This one would not stop shaking and my irritation was growing by the second.

Then I laughed. "You think love can be forced or controlled? Is that why you have disturbed my rest and brought me here?" Emmoden did not need to know I was suffering in captivity and that he'd just given me my freedom.

"But I have friends who have done the same thing and their girls now love them," Emmoden replied, his head still bowed. "Please, I'll do anything. I'll pay your price. Just make Ursula Andoven love me."

I considered his offer as part of my essence swirled around the room in smoke form to write Emmoden's oath before my eyes - I'LL PAY YOUR PRICE.

I had been buried for so long, and now I had the opportunity to experience the world again. And with a young body and a life, I could have anything and everything I had always wanted. At least before any of the celestial guards caught me.

"Emmoden Imanche, are you sure about your request?" I asked. The young man raised his head to look at me with awe in his blue eyes.

Such fine eyes. I could see his desperation and love for this other human in them. I think I can use that to my advantage.

"I am very sure," Emmoden replied with determination. "Make Ursula Andoven fall in love with me."

I gave him a sly smile. "I can do much more than that," I said. "I can create a new life for you. A life where you are worshipped and you can do the impossible."

I saw confusion begin to slip into his features at my words. I did not linger. I gripped onto his determination and love for this human, his oath paving the way, I closed my eyes and took control of his body.

There was a struggle between his will and mine for a split second but his oath made it easy to overwhelm him. I rose like a conquistador to the fore of his mind, taking over his being.

I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and the breeze in my hair. I exhaled in victory, relief and freedom.

I opened my eyes and looked around. A piece of small, sleek machinery on the table vibrated. I stared at it for a second. It told me the time was 2 pm and I had a lecture at 4 pm.

I dressed, picked up Emmoden's small backpack and went to school. I walked around taking in all the sights and sounds. The world had changed so much since I had last been awake.

"Emmoden! Hey."

I turned to face a beautiful, petite girl of Emmoden's age with long black hair and big brown eyes. She must be Ursula.

Yes. This newfound freedom is worth it.

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