Say You Love Me Or I Run Away [Fiction]


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Sam Logan sat and was just pulling his executive seat closer to his desk to start his work for the day when his driver, Martins, cleared his throat. He glanced up. "You are still here?"

"Sir, I-uh…I don't know how to say this but I thought you would like to know what Caroline whispered to me when I dropped her at school this morning," he said.

Sam became a little worried from Martin's hesitation. "Spit it out, man. What did she say?"

"She asked me for some money…"

"What for?"

"She wants to run away. To some place she must have read about in one of her story books. She promised you will pay me back the money."

Sam and his driver silently stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. "What? I can't believe she said that!" Sam remarked.

It'd been a while Sam Logan had a good laugh and Caroline, his six-year-old daughter gave him one. Who would have thought she would say something like that? He prided himself on being the best husband to his wife and father to his children, Owen and Caroline. What could have influenced Caroline to want to run away?

"I calmed her down and made her promise to talk to you first and if you agreed, I would take her anywhere she wants," Martins broke into his thoughts.

"Thanks, Martins. I'll talk with her later tonight," he replied, his eyes already on his pc screen and fingers on the wireless mouse.

"Um, not to sound impertinent sir…why don't you close early today? Spend some time with Owen and Caroline…," Martins said but his eyes were glued to the floor.

Sam froze in his chair and looked at Martins. For a moment, he debated whether to put him in his place or fire him on the spot for such unsolicited advice. On second thought, Martins had been faithful in his duties as his personal driver for two years unlike the person before him.

Sam sighed. "Thank you, Martins, for bringing this matter to my attention. I'll talk with Caroline."

Martins nodded and left the office.

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Susan Logan was surprised to see her ever-busy husband return home on time for dinner at six. The children were happy and chatty. They couldn't get enough of their daddy's attention.

When she saw father and daughter hold hands and walk into Sam's study after dinner, she tiptoed to the closed door and glued her ear to it. Just then Owen, his game headset around his neck and his ps controller in hand walked by and arched his eyebrow at her. She placed a finger on her lips and waved him off. He shook his head and walked away.

Then Sam and Caroline's muffled voices reached her ears.

"Why would you want to run away?" Sam asked. Susan's heart skipped a beat. Her baby girl wants to run away? Maybe she should be a part of this conversation. She went to open the door when she heard Caroline tearfully say, "Well, I feel you don't love me…"

"Caroline, how can you say that?" Sam asked gently.

"I think only mom loves me. She says so every time and hugs me a lot. I see Meredith's dad hug her …."

"Who is Meredith?"

Susan facepalmed at her husband's social ineptness and shook her head.

"Meredith is my best friend in school," Caroline replied. "Her dad tells he loves her all the time and it makes her happy."

Susan imagined Caroline folding her small hands on her chest and pouting as she accused her father of not loving her. Next, she heard Sam say, "I love you, Caroline and I am truly sorry I do not say it often. This is your home. Don't run away, okay? My heart will be broken if you do…"

"Okay, daddy," Caroline replied. "I love you too."

"Promise you won't run away?"

Caroline chuckled. "I promise…"

Susan chose that moment to quietly open the door and saw father and daughter wrapped tightly in each other's embrace. She joined them and kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Okay, you two. That's enough excitement for one night. Bedtime, Caroline."

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I hope you enjoyed reading this short story. It is my response to The Ink Well Prompt #85 inspired by the prompt - "I can't believe you said that!".


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