Flowers For Ivy | Fiction


Watching Ivy work the coffee machine through the window glass, courteously attending to her customers with a charming smile, won Justin's heart. She was the prettier one of Mr Cooper's daughters. He liked her and hoped to woo her to become his wife.

Justin stood on the other side of the road, holding yellow roses wrapped in a florist cellophane bag as cars zoomed past. He crossed the road and entered the café. The bell attached to the door jingled his entrance. Ivy glanced up with a ready smile which turned quickly into a frown seeing it was Justin.

He stood awkwardly with the bouquet for a moment debating what to do. Roseline, Ivy's younger sister, waved him over. He walked through the table and chairs to the serving counter. "Hello, Ivy," he said breathlessly. "Hey, Roseline."

"Hi, Justin. Good to see you. What brings you here?" Roseline asked nicely while Ivy went about her work behind the counter, arranging cups and mugs, in preparation for her customers.

"Um, I bought these," he raised the flowers a bit, "for Ivy." Ivy turned then, still not smiling, and snatched the flowers from him. "Thanks but you know I'm busy. Don't want my father to see you, okay?"

Justin nodded and smiled. "Of course. You take care, Ivy." He left the café to walk back to his father's farm.

As soon as he left, Roseline scolded Ivy for her behaviour towards Justin. "You were mean to Justin. You know he likes you."

Ivy curled her lips in a sneer and still, she looked beautiful. "Please. If I return his affection, he may not take me seriously. Better to let him think I don't care."

Roseline stared at Ivy, mouth agape with incredulity before bursting into a laugh. "Wait, what? Where did you hear something so ridiculous?"

Ivy raised a finger like she was teaching her younger sister a life lesson. "Its true. You've never heard that familiarity breeds contempt? Let's see how long he'll hold out."

"That's wrong Ivy. Very." Roseline responded, shook her head and went about her work.

Justin showed up at the café daily to check on Ivy. On some days, Ivy would be nice to him and Justin would believe they were making headway in their friendship. On other days, Ivy would be indifferent to his visits and Justin would be unhappy. But Roseline was always there to keep him company.

He visited with gifts and helped around the café whenever he could. It was always a big relief for the ladies and they had come to lean on him for some heavy lifting.

On a certain day, it was raining and Justin rushed over to the café in the rain. He was wet but did not mind because he was excited to inform the Cooper sisters, especially Ivy, that he'd been promoted at work and would be moving to another state. Unfortunately, it was one of those days Ivy chose to be indifferent to him.

"Justin, we are kind of busy right now. Please come back later, if you want to," Ivy said, irritation written all over her beautiful face. Justin was speechless. Shoulders slumped, he trudged out of the café, leaving a trail of muddy footprints in his wake.

"Ivy!" Roseline reprimanded her and ran after Justin, stepping on the muddy prints, hers imprinted in them. "Wait, Justin. Wait!" Ivy heard Roseline scream outside in the rain.

Ivy merely shrugged and went about her work, smiling inwardly. She thought, now he'll have more reason to come back and see me.

Justin never returned. The next day he travelled out of town to start a new life in another city.

After the following day's work, Roseline noticed her sister looked sad and stared continuously through the window. Ivy on her part noticed her sister was unusually glowy and happy. Roseline never brought up the subject of Justin again.

One sunny day, after two months had passed, the cafe doorbell chimed and both ladies looked up to see Justin walk into the café, with a bouquet of delicate orchids. Ivy's eyes widened at the sight of Justin. Roseline's cry of delight and Justin's bright smile confused her for a moment.

Ivy watched in slow motion as Roseline ran around the counter and jumped into Justin's opened arms. Justin closed his eyes and soaked in the affection from Roseline.

Then it all became clear to Ivy.

Mrs Cooper came out from the backroom, a jug in hand, smiling. "Ah, it's out in the open now. Roseline did not want us to tell you but Justin is here for your sister's hand in marriage."

The couple held each other around the waist and walked towards the counter. "Mrs Cooper, how have you been?" Justin asked and turned to Ivy, "hello Ivy." Ivy smiled stiffly and welcomed Justin.

While at home, Ivy confronted Roseline about the secrecy. "I had to, Ivy. I did not know how you would react. Justin told me he was leaving town that evening and promised to write to me everyday. We became very good friends when he visited the café before his promotion. I do love him."

Ivy apologised and promised to support the couple. Deep in her heart, she mourned what could have been if only she had not been blinded by her beauty and misconception about relationships.

The end.

Renata Kelly Untaler, Pexels, edited with Canva

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