The dispersal

Generated with dreamlike art ai

“But of course, the wind is going to blow it off. It is what it does.” Liyana scoffed with a mouth full of popcorn. She watched as Allan let out his palm filled with glittering cinnamon powder. The evening wind lightly scattered the dust in the air leaving brown shimmering traces on Allan’s palms.

The happy faces in the park, the glistening slow dust particles dancing erratically in the air, the hint of cinnamon scent filling up the space, and Allan’s blooming face made Liyana admit that the moment was a little enchanting.

“No Liyana. You are taking it literally. The wind is a Queen. She doesn't just blow stuff away. She sends her feywings to do the job of dispersal. You should see how mesmerizing those little things are waltzing around chunks of air to be dispersed.” Allan’s round eyes sparkled.

“Yeah right.” Trashing her empty pack of popcorn in a bin while still holding on to Canis’ leash, the dog suddenly bolted making Liyana lean forward unguarded.

“See, Canis sees it too.”

“What?” Liyana smirked.

“The magic. The feyyyywing.” Allan dragged his words while making an air quote.

Liyana merely shook her head. She looked into her best friend’s brown eyes and fell in love once again. She always did every single time they were together. Liyana loved the way Allan took the world very lightly. Allan was an artist and he started by painting a beautiful life for himself first. She loved to see the world through his playful eyes. She lived for the way he made her feel. Being with him felt like healing. It made her forget about the world. She often found herself enveloped in the fantasy that Allan had created for life.

“I'd be going away for the exhibition soon. I'm going to miss you.” Allan settled on a bench by the walkway.

Liyana joined him. She rested her head on his arm. “I will miss you too,” she muttered.

Days had passed and the time for Allan’s art exhibition abroad had come. The night before Allan’s trip. He invited Liyana to dinner and the two ate in silence. Liyana was elated being with Allan but she wanted more commitment. Whenever she looked into Allan’s eyes, there was always something more than sheer kindness but she couldn't tell what it was. Liyana didn't like the way it made her feel. She had nurtured a feeling much more than friendship toward Allan and she was afraid it was love.

“When do you return?” Liyana finally broke the silence.

“In a month,” Allan mumbled between spoons of baked potatoes. He sipped his tea before clearing his throat. “I want to ask you something but I cannot do it like this because I'm not sure how you are going to take it. I have asked the Queen for help and I pray your eyes open to see what is right there.“ Allan sapped a stick of cinnamon from his teacup and placed it close to Canis’ nose who was lying beside him.

“What are you even talking about Allan?” Liyana creased her brows.

“You'll see Liyana. I hope you do.”

There was something in Allan’s eyes that made Liyana back down. She only listened as though she understood what Allan was saying.

Two days after Allan left, Liyana was walking Canis in the park when he started acting funny. He had freed himself from Liyana's grip again. Barking and wagging, the Dog began sniffing the shrubs that lined the clearing of the park.

Liyana was intrigued. She bent toward Canis and began following its trail. She was picking up a familiar scent in the air. Her eyes widened. She knew the smell of cinnamon too well thanks to Allan. He relished the taste in his tea and treats.

Liyana began feeling enthralled. Canis was still sniffing and at that point, it seemed he was following a path. Liyana squinted. She looked closely around Canis and she began seeing dust particles in the air. The particles were now aligning and shimmering lightly.

Liyana began to see forms in the air. She blinked until her vision became clearer. Liyana held her breath. She was witnessing something enchanting right before her eyes. Liyana saw very miniature illuminated wasp-like creatures with wings. They appeared to be in a sort of formation. There were hundreds of them floating in the air. Liyana rubbed her eyes like a veil had been lifted off them. A feeling of warmth enveloped her.

Some of the creatures were loading balls of brown dust particles into minute wheelbarrows while others were rolling the wheels forward. They were dispersing the smell of cinnamon in her direction. Liyana held her mouth from falling. She recalled all of Allan’s little made-up stories about the wind.

“Feywings are real?” she muttered.

Liyana couldn't believe her eyes. She began tracking the long trail the creatures had come from until she came to another clearing where a cinnamon tree stood tall and magnificent. Around the tree were little red glowing lanterns. The smell of cinnamon enthralled Liyana. When she moved closer, she saw a note hanging on the bark of the tree.

“I didn't know how else to tell you. I'm in love with you Liyana. I want to do forever with you only if you want me to. Oh, if you are reading this right now, then you've finally seen the magic. With Love. Allan.”

Liyana held the note to her chest as a tear dropped from her eyes. Her heart was full and she couldn't be happier with life. She was going to wait patiently for Allan to return and she would tell him exactly how she felt about him too. It was nothing but love and light and she was more than gladdened that he felt the same way too.

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