Victory over Bola

"Bola, let her be. She's not worth the trouble." I could decipher Agnes' plead to Bola, my classmate and the leader of a gang of five girls known for their bullying attitude in school. They fondly harassed both juniors and classmates and today just happened to be one of the many days they hit on me with no tangible reasons. Agnes was the only one that seemed nicer of them all, I wonder why she kept moving with the gang though. My head remained bowed, buried in my arms, determined not to give the girls the pleasure of seeing me teary.

"The next time I see you near Akin again, I'll rip your eyeballs off!" Bola sneered at me before walking off with her other gang members (Agnes included). I stood up after they left and stared at the girls as their figures disappeared into the distant horizon.

Akin happened to be a newly transferred student to our school, Best Brains High School. He had joined us barely a month ago to sit for the external West African secondary school certificate examination (WASSCE) and it was not unusual to have students like him enroll in our school for that purpose. Akin however had a rare charm and charisma, he was tall, dark, and handsome. He must have been about seventeen years of age, two years older than me I guess.

Akin walked up to me a week before now after the close of school and requested to walk me home. I loved his presence as I had wished for opportunities to bring us together.

"Is it okay by you if I walk you home?" Akin asked with an enchanting voice that made my heart flutter.

"Would that not be taking you farther from your direction?" I responded with a question. My heart sheepishly said yes but I needed to act difficult as a lady.

"If I can walk beside you through eternity and beyond, it would be with all pleasure." He said to me almost in a whisper in my ears. I giggled and let out a broad smile. Akin was sweeping me off my feet already and any further move from him could disrupt my hormonal balance.

"Indeed, that's your lyrics with other girls, right? I'm not moved." I replied, continuing my walk in my home's direction which is just about a kilometer away.

"I cross my heart, Teni. I'm not flirting with you. I'm being honest." Akin said with seriousness in his eyes as he held onto my wrist which I quickly disengaged from, knowing fully well my heart already melted by his touch. I paused for a while and looked into his piercing eyes. He looked so sincere and charming. I wanted to jump right into his arms with a shout of a yes but I restrained myself. I barely knew Akin and rather than fall easily to my pubertal hormones flooding my senses, I needed to caution myself.

"So, you know my name?" I asked, acting surprised. I loved the fact that he noticed me even before now.

"Of course yes, I've always wanted to talk with the chocolate skin-colored beauty that has won my heart from my first day in school," Akin said.

"Nice one. Why not tell me it's me you came to study in this school rather than face your studies." I shot at him with a tease.

"Will you blame me for going for whom I like?" Akin continued.

"I'm going home. You were sent to me this afternoon." I replied and continued walking. Akin followed me and walked beside me. I was never fast at walking but I purposely slowed my pace to enjoy his company. Akin told me a lot about his family, former school, and many other things which I found quite intriguing. He waved me goodbye when we got to my house junction and that very night, the butterflies in my tummy made a feast of accomplishment as my thoughts traveled far, into Akin's arms.

Akin and I soon became a pair in school. Gossip quickly spread in school about Akin and I dating.


"We are just friends." Was my response to classmates who were bold enough to confront me about Akin. I knew many girls wanted to have Akin, including Bola the leader of the bully gang.

"It's like all the girls in school want you, Akin. Feel free and pick any. I want peace for myself." I said to Akin during a break period in class, lips pouted, eyes rolled up, waiting for his response, trying to hide my jealousy.

"Let me see," Akin replied, gesturing with a finger as though he was thinking. "This is an open cheque, and I can't have all?" He turned to me.

"You can add the female teachers to the list, sir." I teased along.

"Well, if I can't have all, I'll stick with the naughty soul that is seated right in front of me." He said, ticking my nose with his fingers.

I blushed and looked away. Akin has been the best thing that has happened to me since we met. School was soon coming to an end and the heat of the examination was almost abated. Final year events were next in line and all final year students like me were required to participate.

"Teni, you should be careful. Bola does not mean well for you. She wants to have Akin to herself. Just watch your back please." Agnes said to me in low tones before walking hastily away. She left even before I could appreciate her for the heads up. I stood there confused for a while, wondering what Bola could be up to. Akin had not asked me out even though we acted like a couple already.

Three days after Agnes' hint, I had stayed back in the classroom, waiting for Akin who stepped out to get us snacks from the tuck shop. Bola stormed into the classroom with her gang members looking mean and furious. I maintained my calm and sat still, determined not to show fret.

"I've warned you severally to leave my man alone but you're acting stubborn, I'll beat you to a pulp today. Let me see how you follow him to the final year students get together tomorrow!" Bola threatened further. She raised her hand to pull my ear as usual and Akin's voice cut through the scene.

"Don't you dare lay your filthy hand on my girlfriend!" Akin bellowed, standing at the entrance to the classroom. We all turned towards the class entrance where Akin stood, his expression was indifferent. My heart fluttered upon hearing him, just like when he first walked up to me. I wanted to run into his arms for safety like a little child. The girls stepped aside immediately when they saw him.

I stood up gently from where I sat, picked up my school bag, and with my chin up, walked out on the girls. "Excuse me, girls, I don't want to keep my boyfriend waiting," I said with a smile with an emphasis on the 'boy', turning my head sideways to the bully girls standing beside me. Akin stretched forth his arm which I walked into, relishing the fragrance of his perfume and the assurance of my safety with him. I didn't bother to look back at the girls, walking away with Akin beside me after calling me his girlfriend was all the victory I needed.

The following evening, we had our final year get-together party, and Akin in his black tuxedo looked charming while I wore a smashing black gown to match. Akin waited right at the entrance for me to arrive before we both walked into the hall where some of our other colleagues were. I saw Bola and her friends sit in a corner under the rays of the multicolored party bulbs. Not long after, I saw Agnes stand up from their midst and walk up to us. She looked more dazzling in her beautifully stone-adorned gown, making her look more mature than before.

"You both look stunning." Agnes complimented.

"You look dazzling Agnes. Do you care to join us?" I asked innocently with a wink at Akin.

Agnes paused for a while before looking back at the direction of Bola and her friends. "Damn it guys, I'm done with them," Agnes said. She dragged a chair and joined us on our table. The night was perfect for me, I got the man of my dreams and yet, a new friend, Agnes.

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