Sarah's visit to the dentist

Sarah had tooth ache for some weeks, she complained to her parents about it, her parents were not chanced to have her visit a dentist. The pain was so una bearable she took it upon herself to go visit the dentist by herself.

When Sarah got to the dental clinic, She felt nervous. The dental clinic was small, It had old magazines and faded wallpaper, Sarah heard the sound of drilling which made her It made her more nervous the closer she gets to the dental clinic. When she sat in the waiting room, the receptionist wasn't welcoming, she tried making a conversation with the receptionist to shake off her nervousness but the receptionist ignored her. She waited for her turn.

When the receptionist called her name, she was shocked to her bones, Sarah followed her into the examination room. Dr. Smith smiled at her. Sarah felt scared but a bit relieved to finally see a smiling face. She sat on the chair. It was uncomfortable.

Dr. Smith looked at her teeth. He used sharp tools. It hurt a little. He said Sarah had a cavity. She needed treatment.

Sarah felt sad. She didn't like going to the dentist. She asked if it would hurt. Dr. Smith said no. He promised she wouldn't feel anything.

Sarah felt a little better. She nodded her head. Dr. Smith started working. He used a drill. It made a loud noise. Sarah closed her eyes. She tried to relax.

But then she felt pain. It hurt a lot. Dr. Smith stopped. He looked worried. He said sorry. The anesthesia didn't work. He had to try again.

Sarah felt scared again. But she trusted Dr. Smith. He gave her more anesthesia. Sarah closed her eyes. She hoped it would work this time.

Finally, Sarah felt numb. She didn't feel pain anymore. Dr. Smith finished his work. He smiled at her. He said she did great.

Sarah felt proud. She had faced her fear. She thanked Dr. Smith. She left the office .

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