Above the clouds

Fuente by Aleksandar Pasaric

That night the excitement was felt in my stomach, sleep was impossible to fall asleep, I had spent my whole life wanting to do what my father did, after several years saving enough money, my mother wanted to give me a gift that would help me to know a little of my father, who in life practiced paragliding as a sport, something my mother always told me that made him happy. I was 21, but I felt like a little kid, excited about what would happen the next morning.

The day arrived and after a long trip of 5 hours, which seemed endless, we reached a hill where we walked for several minutes to get to the top, in the company of some experts, it was just at this moment, when the excitement turned into fear and my stomach began to churn a little, but at this point there was no turning back and I really wanted to feel why that caused so much joy to my father. One of the guys who was securing my leashes, looked at me in amazement saying that I was very much like my father, I really hope so, because dad was an amazing man.

I was afraid, but at the same time I was anxious, my mother was too because, you know that for mom you will always be a little boy, however she was brave just so I could enjoy the moment as much as possible. I was accompanied by another guy whose face I do not remember, when we got down from that place, I felt for a moment that I became very small because of the air pressure, but after a few seconds, I could experience one of the best experiences of my life, everything looked beautiful around, the trees, the birds and the clouds, but when I passed through them, something happened for which I was not prepared.

Fuente by Fabian Reck

Everything turned white around me, I thought that as soon as we went down a little more, I would see everything around me again, but it was not like that, when I wanted to ask my partner why we had been flying through the clouds for so long, he did not answer, I realized that I was alone and I did not know at what moment it happened. Fear began to invade me and I could not help but imagine that something bad was going to happen to me, but a few minutes later the clouds became lighter and I could see beyond them. To my surprise I was in a very different place from the one I had left minutes before, the colors seemed more intense and all around me the birds kept me company, while their beautiful song disappeared softly in the wind.

I didn't know what was happening, I could see from up close huge and beautiful buildings that seemed to be from a totally different time, much more advanced, but in spite of them there were trees and flowers everywhere, and the breeze was such that I could pass through it all without going down to the ground yet, I wasn't prepared for this but something told me that was exactly what dad felt every time, I was alone enjoying everything I saw around me, I could only think how happy my father had been every time he flew through the air.

From above everything seems to take more shape and color and the world seems to become a very different place than the one I was walking on, I was thankful for having been there for having known this nice feeling that I will keep inside me during all my life, it is not only the memory of what my father used to do, now I know how good he felt while he was able to do it, now it is true that to fly free in the skies you only need some straps and a good parachute that allows you to walk through the buildings, when my mother answered she didn't believe me, but she was surprised how my story was exactly the same as my father's, flying among the clouds makes you have a different perspective, because when you pass through them the world becomes different.

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