The beach experience


I was in a dilemma, I have sent my application out thousands of times, I successfully go for interviews and that's it, I don't get feedback anymore but most of my friends were lucky enough to get their placement and are happily doing their internship program, I shake my head in disappointment, I have cried a river with swollen eyes. If only wetting my bed every night could get me what I wanted, my happiness will know no bounds. As usual every single day, I check messages and inbox but it turns out negative. But hope isn't lost yet I held onto it like my life depends on it, that's all I could do to feel happy for the meantime. After long months of waiting and nothing coming forth, I decided to breathe in, changing of environment was my next plan as it felt like I was suffocating here.

It's been two weeks here in Lagos, I wasn't an extrovert but I managed to make a friend, her name is Joy. A good spirit girl, she is good at changing my mood whenever I feel down to earth.

"Hey girl! What do you think about going to the beach?" She narrowed her eyes waiting for answers.

"I have never been to the beach before," I said, making a baby face.

"I got you girl, it's going to be fun" She waved her hands in the air, dancing in excitement.

"What will I wear?"

"I got some clothes, you can try them on" she said, searching her wardrobe to check out for something nice, she flipped some on the bed, after what seemed forever.

"Try this on," she finally said.

"Do you think your clothes will fit me?" I was slimmer than her but she was robust. Not too fat and not too slim. She was a size 14 while I was size 10. I flipped on a long white gown with an opening, revealing my thigh.

"No no no…. I'm not going for this.

"This will fit perfectly on you, I got that dress 2 years ago hoping to lose some weight for me to rock it"

I tried a white shorts and a chambray top. I love it and decided to pick it, with spider shoes, a hat and a denim jacket in case it got too cold while Joy went for the long white gown,a brown hat and a pair of slippers. It was on a Saturday when we decided to set out on our adventure to the beach. I got excited as Joy kept slaughtering me with memories of her beach experience while she drove to the venue I could only squire in excitement.

We got to the venue, I raised my hands to the air, closed my eyes and allowed the wave to hit me. I was excited. I got to take lots of lovely pictures and videos. I was a bit scared while walking at the shore, I didn't want the water to touch me, not right until Joy walked in as the water flowed in and out.

"You are going to drown" as I widened my eyes I feared for my friend drowning instead she waved her hands and was dancing to no music in the background.

"Crazy girl"! As I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, you need to try this" she motioned me to come on. I was stagnant and didn't move, she came out and dragged me in as she sprinkled water all over my body. I was having fun but I was scared. Not as bad as I thought. We tried some snacks and sat at the shore. I got to have some silent time while Joy helped herself with a horse ride. I looked through as I can see some families having some nice time and some few couples having the time of their life. It was fun running across the shore throwing my hands to the air and shouting on top of my voice. I saw a few children building some castles with sand. Not too bad, I usually see that in movies, trying it out now even though I didn't try it out when I was a child was a win win for me. As I squatted down and built the little my imagination could go, I called out to Joy to come see my mansion. I was giggling as she made her comment. It was an awesome day and an adventure to behold as I had fun as much as I could as I jotted down in my diary before drifting off to sleep.

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