The ink well prompt for the week. The Correction.

Don't worry I will surprise her, Aunty Tina said to me when I complained about Josephine refusing to go on errands.

That girl has become something else and Daddy is not saying anything regarding her nonchalant attitude.

This is because she happens to be the last child in the house and the pampering has made her lazy and stubborn, being disrespectful to almost everyone knowing fully well that Dad will not allow anyone to raise his or her finger on Josephine.

What will you do to her? I asked aunty Tina. You know how much Daddy will not tolerate anyone trying to discipline Josephine.

What kind of love is this? But we never got this kind of special treatment from Daddy. We dare not disrespect anyone else and we will be punished severely.

I could remember how he punishes us whenever we do something wrong without adhering to the plea of anyone.

How come all these things just disappeared or is it because he is now old?

Maybe but the problem is that he never allows anyone to do it.

Josephine, please get me a glass of water from the kitchen, Aunty Tina requested but Josephine will rather give a deaf ear and pretend like she never heard anything.

Am I not talking to you Aunty Tina shouted but instead Daddy responded.

Hay that girl is a small girl, stop yelling at her that way.

This is what is giving Josephine the impetus to behave as she did.

So, everyone in the house tries as much as possible not to have a problem with Daddy because of Josephine.

So all errands are to be done by either me or Aunty Tina not even minding the fact that she is our Aunty.

It went on and on like that until there came a time when mum and Dad travelled for a wedding leaving me, Aunty Tina and the almighty Josephine all alone at home.

Josephine never knew the danger she just entered for Dad to travel without her.

As usual, she rejects all errands and threatens to tell Dad when he returns and so everyone avoids her.

A day after Dad and mum left Josephine was in the sitting room watching her favourite cartoon at around 9 pm but before then Aunty Tina told us an interesting story of how a ghost used a word to eat up people back then.


I knew it was just fiction but little Josephine believed the story.

So, Aunt Tina told me it is time to show this girl a lesson she will never forget.

We both went out to the power room where the house electricity is being controlled.

Aunty Tina locked the doors leading to the bedroom and the one leading outside without notice of Josephine.

She asked me to change the fuse over which I deed leaving the house in total darkness.

We sat outside and heard Josephine cry as she screamed our name for help. All the doors were locked. She called but we did not answer her.

Making it scary, Aunty Tina decided to make use of the word she told us in a story that the ghost used to eat people up, "BOO" the word came from the window on hearing that word Josephine became even more scared that the ghost is going to eat her up.

We could hear her scream out loud calling our names for help. Then Aunty Tina went close to the window. Josephine, you know you are stubborn and refuse to go on errands, you will only be saved if you promise to start going on errands and show some respect to your elders.

Josephine with a loud voice repented and promised to respect everyone.

Aunty Tina pleaded with the ghost not to eat her up cause I know it was just a setup.

Immediately we ran back to the power room to turn on the house light again then rushed back to open the door pretending to rescue her from the ghost.

Thank you, Aunt Tina. I promise to go on any errand for you. I don't want to be eaten by that ghost.

Aunty Tina answered, alright, you are ok in as much as you won't disrespect us again because if you do we will not beg the ghost on your behalf again.

And you must not tell Dad about it because the day you do the ghost will visit you and that will be your end. This was added just to authenticate the message that sank into her head and not have anyone delete it, which will help keep us stay at the top for a while.

And from that day Josephine responds to any errands from me and Aunty Tina.

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