The ink well nonfiction story. A call for help.

A Call in a time of serious want. There is always that time when everyone will need help.

A time when things become as tight as a wrapper tied to the waist of an old woman.

It was 10 years ago while I was still in the Tertiary institution, it was a journey throughout my university days.

My phone rang, then it was a torchlight light phone (Nokia104) I was using, as we all call it in my country.

It was my Dad.

Hello Sam.

Good morning sir, I replied.

Your admission list is out, and I think you are one of the successful candidates. My dad burst the good news without beating around the bush.

So, I prepared and went to school and carried out every process to authenticate the admission.

All went well. I finished all the procedures, rented a flat, and made everything I would need for my schooling available.

Everything was rosary until my dad called me after my first year one powerful evening to tell me he had lost his job. This is not news anyone will want to hear. I have still got more than 3 years to go as I have to spend a maximum of 4 years at university.

So many thoughts went through the nights about how I would pay my rent, how I would pay my fees, how I would feed and so many things that concern finances.

But then I knew I still had to finish my school in whatever way that I could and that I would have to put in my best as it would no longer be easy.

And just as I had predicted, things began to be difficult as money was not forthcoming from my father's side, as he was the only one I could ask for money from.

At that point, I do have to be aware so as not to make a mistake that will cost me extra expenses.

I managed until I got to my final year. It was not easy. Anyone who has to go through schooling in a financial crisis will be able to know exactly what I am talking about. Being in a situation where you have to skip meals just to ensure you don't go hungry, a situation when you have to copy notes just to avoid photocopying them you know of because it will have to do with money.

How I can scale through all this is a divine intervention I can not explain, but I can remember a call I made when I had nowhere to run to.

It was one of my uncles who happened to be a senior consultant in a renowned hospital. I knew money was never an issue for him. He seemed to be my only hope then until I made that call.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number, and it rang.

Hello, good day sir. I greeted him

Hello, Samuel, how are you doing? He asked.

I am fine Sir. Just called to tell you that I am almost rounding up my schooling.

Wow, congratulations in advance, he said with excitement in his voice.

But Sir, I need a favour from you. I am writing my project and need money to complete it. I don't need to explain the situation in my house because he already knows my household is not financially stable.

OK, Sam, I have heard you, I will call you. My uncle replied and dropped my call.

That call was the last I talked with my uncle on the phone. Ever since then, he has refused to pick up my calls, which means I will never get that help from him.
Even without his help I was able to finish my school. How did the help come? I will only say it was a Divine intervention which I can't really tell happened.


Anybody that can not pick up your call in a time of distress is not worth calling.

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