The ink well nonfiction Round #80/ The superior will have to assume the level of being inferior.

Hakeem would have loved to have a flight as in regards to this case but then he always finds himself in a fight with Grant. How do I get myself out of this mess Hakeem will ask himself.


This is the story of two boys during my college.

Hakeem the big guy and Grant the small guy but it happened that they both are classmates.

It started one day when we all are in class as usual there was no teacher in the class it was a free period so the normal students are always found reading their books dusting this period the quiet ones will always sit quietly and observe what's going on in the class without saying a word and the nuisance will always want to tumble the class with their sound of noise and loud laughter that might land everyone in the class in a serious punishment.

The sound of a slap on Grant's face made the class quiet for some minute as the class all turned with all eyes on Grant the slap came from Hakeem.

What happened? So many people asked questions that warrant that kind of slap but before we could say anything the class was already experiencing a royal rumble that looks like a big show vs Rey mysterio and my class then will never go into stopping two people who are fighting they will rather stay back and cheer whoever is winning. This incident lasted for some minutes until the noise got into the staff room and the whole class was punished.

Grant and Hakeem were summoned to the staff room for questioning. Everyone claimed to be right so the staff decided to punish them equally. A portion of land was allocated to each of them for clearing of bush.

Grant never forgot that slap, so he vowed to slap Hakeem wherever he meets him in the school compound and he took it upon himself that he will do that until he is satisfied.

So after that day Grant met Hakeem at the dinning where all students go to collect food unaware Grant landed Hakeem a sound slap on his face hakeem turned and gave him a beating of his life.

Then again some other day while we were all at the field rehearsing for our inter house sport then again another slap it was now turning into a public disgrace again Hakeem beat the living daylight out of him.

Again at the night social gathering one faithful Friday with student all around having fun a gathering that was a lit got scattered again simply because ome small Grant slapped one almighty hakeem again Grant was beaten blue and black, this incident happen and happened, again and again until the superior had no option than to take a flight even though he is always on the winning side but the embarrassment was becoming too much.

So Hakeem visited Grant in his hostel and apologized for ever slapping him over something that was not worth it, Hakeem accepted his mistake and promised never to repeat such again.

The cause of the first Slap from Hakeem. Grant kept his note on his desk then Hakeem went and took it without Grant’s permission when Grant tried to confront him as in regards to that he decided to show he was superior then he landed Grant a slap and warned him never to talk to him and this is because he knew he was stronger than Grant.

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