The mourner

The mourner

Arriving at the cemetery, in the distance, in the middle of a maze of crypts and tombstones, Leonardo saw a burial, he was sure it was the funeral of his friend who had died in an accident.

The clouds turned gray and small drops of water ran in the breeze, it looked like it was going to burst into rain at any moment.

Leonardo was in a hurry, he just wanted to give her an honorable farewell before her burial and get back to his business. He looked down the sidewalk, and it stretched off in another direction that would make it take him a long time to get to the funeral

To cut off the passage, without the slightest respect for the dead, he decided to pass over each chamber enclosing the ballot boxes.

Halfway down the road, he thought he heard the wailing of someone complaining. He stopped, looked around and saw no one. He tuned his ear and listened carefully. Suddenly, the wailing sounded again. It seemed to come from the grave beneath his feet. He lay down on the earthenware covering the grave and heard a woman shouting, "Help, get me out of here. Followed by loud knocking.

Leonardo could not believe his ears, supported his voice with his hands and said, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Almost as a reaction of madness and desperation, the woman answered repeating the same word "Please, please, help me, don't leave me, get me out of here!

Leonardo was surprised and tried to give her directions "Ma'am, calm down, listen, I'm going to get help, and I'll be right back".

Immediately from inside there were kicks, blows and cries of desperation "No, no, I have no more air left, get me out of here now, get me out of here!".

Leonardo did not know what to do, he had to get that lady out immediately, he saw some bars that were used to pull the concrete slab that covered her. But it was too heavy and he could not move her even a little.

"Wait a moment," said Leonardo to the woman who kept screaming.

He tried to find a stone or some object to hit the lid and break it, but only saw vases with flowers on the sides that shattered when thrown against the tombstone.

After several attempts he felt frustrated, kneeling down exhausted he said. "Ma'am, you have to wait, I'm going to get help."

No, please don't leave me here again," the woman answered, crying.

Leonardo raised his head and saw on the tombstone, raised like a light of hope, the huge concrete cross that adorned the tomb. He thought quickly and with a strong kick he pulled it off. "I'll get you out of there, ma'am, don't worry," Leonardo replied.

Even so, it was difficult to use and to hold. Blow after blow, his hands broke, staining the white cross with his blood. The rain poured down on the cemetery, causing the visitors to leave the place in a hurry.

He was alone, and yet he kept hammering again and again until he opened a hole through which only his face could fit, looked inside and found a wooden urn.

I'm here" said Leonardo "are you all right?" he asked but no one answered him.

He lay down on the camera and, reaching into the hole, lightly knocked on the wood, but the woman did not respond either.

Leonardo grabbed the door with his hand and, when he opened the urn, all he saw of the captive woman were her weathered bones and the skeletal skull that had been there for many years.

The rain that soaked Leonardo's body dripped from his face onto the skull, that seemed to awaken mounds of ants sprouting from its sockets and jaw.

He felt a faint whistle calling him as he raised his head and realized that there was no one there but the crosses and statues that the rain soaked.

He crouched down and tried to remain calm even though inside he was dying of fear, he turned around and started to walk away. Suddenly, he heard laughter echoing inside the tomb.

His hair stood on end and his heart pounded. He ran in the middle of the rainy cemetery, where he slipped and fell several times until he reached the exit.

Leonardo arrived terrified at his car, pale as wax. He left in a hurry without looking back and swearing that he would never set foot on a grave in any cemetery again.

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