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My Journey on Earth


Lately, I have been reflecting on my life, I have so much to be grateful for; for my life, health and vitality, family and friends, etc.

My journey on this planet called Earth has not been a smooth one but I am grateful for all the help I have gotten so far and the ones that I am still getting to navigate this world.

I have seen enough in this short period of time on Earth and I have learnt never to discriminate, be it discrimination based on gender, race, or social status. I try to treat everyone equally, no human being is superior to another human being. I try as much as possible never to look down or write off anybody because I have gotten more help from people who are not the richest or the smartest in society, people who you would be so quick to write off, people who you think nothing good can come out from your relationship with them, these people have helped me more than the so-called aristocrats. From the security man at the gate to the petty trader at the marketplace, they have all played significant roles in my life and I will be forever grateful.

I am always favoured by people I don’t know, how it happens I still don’t understand, someone somewhere is always willing to extend a helping hand to me.
Speaking of favour, I am not streamlining it to only cash gifts, I get literally everything; from assistance to standing up for me, to recommendations, to support and the list is endless. Sometimes I wonder what good I did in my past life that has made people to always be ready to help me at every point in time without me even asking most of the time.

I haven’t been getting all these favours by kissing asses or lobbying my way, I mean, meeting people who genuinely help me without wanting anything in return is a big flex for me.

Hive is not an exception, I have seen people who I do not know from Adam support and root for me heavily on Hive, I have seen people who believe in me and are constantly cheering me on, I have seen people who try to help fix my problem and each time all these unfold I am always astonished and I still can't get used to it, I get surprised every single time.

Whenever I am in a situation to help others I do not hesitate to help out in the little ways that I can, especially when I see a person struggling, I try as much as possible to help out. This is the little I can give back to society for all the helps that I have gotten and am still getting.

While I was still reflecting on my life on planet Earth, I also thought about all the Judas’ and fake friends I have come in contact with, of course, no one makes it through life without picking some bad eggs on the way but my only consolation is that the number of good people I have met over time out numbers the bad ones, so, either way, it’s a win-win for me.

Whenever I reflect on my life I always derive this feeling of satisfaction and I am always happy.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰