Having Good Music, The Right Kind || Creative Nonfiction Prompt

Hi babe, we just got back from the market, how has work been at your end?

"That is good to know, work has been going on fine over here, thank you!."

Have you been that busy, the reason you haven't checked on us since morning?

"Oh dear, work has been piled up for me that I even have to leave my phone unattended for a while."

That is okay, I understand.

But can you do me a favor henceforth?

"What could that be, dear wife?"

I think I will have to stop visiting the market for now, I will only write out the list of things I need, and hand it over to you while you help me do the shopping.

"What? And why would you want to do that to me, babe? Well, if you can pay me handsomely, I might be able to do that."

He continued before I could interrupt.

I'm serious here,

"Okay, tell me why"

Because I don't want to develop high blood pressure at my age. As it stands, you seem to be able to handle the rising cost of market items than I am.

He busted out with laughter, as indicated by emoji through our WhatsApp chat.

"Oh no, don't worry too much, let us just be hopeful that things will get better."

Hmmmm, I hope so...

That was just me venting out my emotions to my husband yesterday, after returning from the market, shopping for a few of our family provisions.

My generation has never experienced this kind of inflation in our entire life, since the implementation of the subsidy removal and the floating of the Naira by the new Government in Nigeria, things have moved from fry pan to fire.

The constant raising in the price of food and household items is alarming, and if something urgent isn't done, a lot of us are already smelling it, and the odors aren't pleasant at all.

I have been trying to hold it all together since the middle of last year, but every single time I visit the market, when I hear the new prices of food items, sometimes I feel like my heart will jump out of my chest.

I begin to wonder how much longer we can endure as people. A lot of people can let go of not buying clothes for some time, not building or buying Houses but when one can no longer afford to buy or eat simple healthy meals, then, things have gotten out of hand.

These days, I go to the market with a list of things I want to buy, but I can't precisely budget for them because only the price of the day will determine what I get to buy or not.

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What triggered my emotions yesterday was that a pack of my son's yogurt I bought for 2000 naira just two weeks ago had jumped to 2500 naira. If things continue this way, how much longer will we be able to afford healthy meals for our families?

I thought of those families who are earning a merger amount of salary or those who depend on the little income from their small businesses, not to even think about the students who depend on such parents, all of these make my heart hurt. If God would please send an air purse, I think now is the time.

After our chat above, I paused for a while to think, I can't let the negative thoughts win, I have to remind myself to be positive and hopeful.

Good for me, my son fell asleep on our way back from the market, which gives me a little bit of time to immerse myself into the music world.

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I reached out inside my red little handbag, gently brought out my earpiece, and plugged it into my phone, I searched through my playlist and clicked on I'll Dance in the Rain by 2face, a Nigerian musical icon whose songs I have enjoyed throughout the years.

I Dance In the Rain is a song about finding happiness, regardless of our troubles at the moment, to just live in the moment, enjoy the little things of life, and not worry about tomorrow.

After putting it on repeat back to back, my energy seemed to rejuvenate, and I felt a lot more of my usual self before the visit to the market.

Though I do not know how our country's economy will recover or when, having my head in the right place is a must if I'm going to not only survive but also thrive in our current brutal reality, not just for my sake but for the sake of those relying on me that I can not afford to let down. And sometimes Having good music, the right kind, helps a lot in getting my thinking straight. Which made me wonder what my life would be like, without those sweet melodies that have the power to transform my emotions in such an amazing way.

This is my entry to the #creativenonfiction in the Inkwell community.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your support, do have a great week

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