A Typical Day With My Heroes In It

When I think of talking about a typical day in my life, my mind keeps on flashing back to someone very special to me, the memory we shared while I was growing up, and how much I miss them now that I'm far away.

My parents are my heroes. I talked about dad a little bit here. Yes, I used to love and cherish him for all he taught me and how he and mom trained me but these few months of me being a mom make me appreciate them the most. I now see more clearly their love and decision.

This made me miss him more, my mom left here in December after
spending a good three months with us so just speaking with her on the phone is enough for me as of now. but I haven't seen my dad since December 29 2021 on the day of my wedding.

The day they handed me over to my hubby and inlaws. I remember having teary eyes as they said their goodbyes as if I was leaving forever. We do speak on the phone from time to time but I miss all the things we used to do together.

My mind flashed back to how I used to look forward to the weekend because I know my dad always has one or two special treats for me. And mom's tender cares and love. I won't be able to visit them until towards the end of this year when I will be traveling home for the first time in two years, and if I make it there, here is a day I have in mind with them.

It is a holiday time, so we are having a full house. And for that day, the first thing I will do after our morning prayer will be to make arrangements for our breakfast. This can be tea, bread, and fried eggs. We will spend a little time at the table listening to one another and doing some catching-ups. I bet he will tell me about his farm work, his current challenges, and how he is handling them. Mom will tell me about his latest health update, reassuring me that she is taking her medicine from time to time without skipping any of it.

My other siblings will be at the table, telling us about their school life and their progress. On this visit, my dad will get to meet my son, his grandson for the first time and I can't just wait to see the priceless smile on his face and the happiness all over him when he sees him for the first time and he finds out I gave birth to his photocopy hehe.

In the afternoon, I will prepare his favorite local meal. pounded yam with vegetable melon soup. I can invite two of his close friends to join us and I know this will make him very happy. They can talk, laugh and have a fun time together. While mom and I on the other hand do some side jist, where she can tell me the latest in her family side.

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While in the evening, once we are done with dinner, I can have a very personal time with dad, I can hear mom giggling in the background saying 'daddy Little wife is around. You can',t blame me, dads are girls' best friends right? This time just the two of us with no distractions whatsoever just to look into his eyes and say thank you dad for everything you have taught me. He will smile and say ' If we don't do it, who will?'

I can seek their advice and opinions about my incoming home decor business venture and I'm pretty sure of their support.

We can from here proceed to join the rest of the family watching our favorite comedy show ' the neighborhood in the sitting room with the company of my dad's favorite homemade apple wine 🍾 while we chat silently into the dead of the night.

Life is too short and I want to create as many great memories as I can with them now that they are still very much around. And oh! I will make sure I capture as many moments in the camera as possible with my phone.

This might sound very simple but it will mean a lot to me and my parents. There is more to enjoy when we keep things nice and simple don't you think?

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