The upside down world

Shade was just in junior high school when she heard the rumor from her friend, which she chose not to believe. Many of her friends said it was true, and their parents warned them never to try the act, but she didn’t believe. She would say, "such superstitious belief is what has made you people not to advance." The the rumour states that

If you go to the windgate market at 2 p.m. with a mirror and you bend down while standing and then look into the mirror, your spirit will be opened to the other world.

After school was over, Shade went home, and she told her mom about it. Her mom, who wasn’t a native of that land, told her if the people of the land say it's true, then it is true. She wasn’t satisfied with the answer she got from her mom, so she waited for her dad to get back. Shade was eagerly waiting for her dad when she heard a knock on the door. She rushed to open the door, and she was happy to welcome her dad home. He walked in and looked at his daughter with a box of gift in his hand, a very tall and dark-skinned girl with long hair like her mom and big white eyes that fit well on her head. She was very slim, which made it easy for him to always lift her up when he got back home.

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Daddy, welcome back. There is something I want to ask you. Is it true that the windgate market is the doorway to the spirit world?

Her dad looked at her and smiled. He said to her

I was a little boy when my mom told me about the story of a lady who said it was true; she warned us against going to the market when we were young, and the training has been like that since the time of old. So just let it be my princess.

Even after what her dad told her, Shade was still curious. She was in class, but her mind was on the superstitious belief she heard. After school was over, she headed toward the Windgate Market. The market was so busy that no one paid attention to what she was doing. She bent down and watched everyone's legs walk, yet nothing happened; she saw no gate to the other world. She stood up and smiled; she got confirmation of what she was curious about. It was all a lie and a superstitious belief to keep kids from going to the market.

High school came swiftly, and the same rumor kept spreading. Shade kept telling her friends that it's all a lie. "I have tried it before and nothing happened." She was even able to convince some of her friends it was a lie. Shade got into the university and studied medicine; her life had been a bed of roses since the day she visited the market.

It was a Wednesday afternoon when she got off from her duty at 1 p.m. from the hospital where she works. She wanted to go home but remembered she was out of food items. All her intention was to head home, but she thought to herself, "What will I cook when I get home?" instead of going home, she boarded a bus going to the Windgate Market . The bus was a bit tight, and she could hear the gossip coming from each angle of the bus. She was about to get to the bus stop when she heard the women in the bus talking about the rumor. She burst into laughter and told the women it was all a lie. They were surprised by her reaction and told her it was true; then the conversation started. Before she could tell her story to the women, she got to her bus stop and had no choice but to end the conversation.

Shade bought everything she wanted, walked to the most busy place of the market, and bent down. Before she could go down further, the market women screamed at her, saying

What are you trying to do? Don’t you love your parents? Do you want to be transported from one priest to another?

She stood up without replying them and went to the bus stop. With the intention to prove that this rumour was a fake she intentionally dropped her key and bent down with her phone in her hand while standing to pick it up. As soon picked up her key, she saw a white void with seagull flying all around, the people standing beside her all turn to spirit, she looked towards the market and saw beings she has never seen in her life. Some of the beings were walking with their hands while their legs were in the air, some had two face, some with two heads. She turned to the right and the person standing beside her was all white from head to toes, some of this begins where buying and selling. Immediately the spiritual beings notices she could see them, they all stopped moving and looked towards her. She wanted to run but her body wouldn’t obey the instruction the brain were passing to them. She closed her eyes and tried to scream but no voice came out, she opened her eyes and she was surrounded by different spirit. The spirit with 6 arms stretch it arm towards her like it wanted to grab her face but then she closed her eyes and heard a voice saying "madam madam are you ok" when she opened her eyes she saw a man standing behind her. "please pick your key and move" the man said and she was back to the normal world she use to know. Everything that happened happen in just 5 seconds. She picked her key and that was when her trauma started, since that day she never visit any market place and spread the truth about the market place.

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