Once dirty, Twice clean. Creative nonfiction prompt #29

Growing up in the local area was one of the best thing that has happened to me while growing up. I got to have fun while playing in the rain and making mud houses. I and my friends are always in the dirt and the only one to suffer it was our mothers because they will have to wash very dirty cloths again.

image gotten from unsplash and edited on canvas

Image source
I was already 7 years of age when my family moved to the city, I had my own room. I was nonchalant with my health nor hygiene. My mom always bath for me back then and if I'm not clean enough the blame goes to her.

The year came so fast and I was 14 years old already. Mommy wouldn't bath for me again, it's a thing I can't allow and I was to care for myself. Most time I hate taking my bath, I had this idea of

Who is looking at me. I have no one to impress.

My mom would always tell me to wash my face and take my bath but I always refuse, it's my body and i would do as I like. I would go to the field and play soccer, get home at night, eat my food and sleep off.

Demola, you are sweating and smelling. Please take your bath and look good.

She would always say, this always get on my nerves

I would refuse and it went on like that. Shortly after, I started noticing some rash on my face. The reason I notice this rash was because there was a girl I really liked and I wanted to look good to her. I started to take note of how I look, what i wear, how I smell.

I went to meet my mom and made the complain of the eczema on my face and she helped, I got hair cream and body lotion. I stop visiting the field too frequent. My mom kept wondering what could have change me. The Boy who was once dirty is now twice as clean.

Since then, I continue to improve on my health and hygiene, I go to the gym for workout and eat good food. Funny enough, after I asked the girl out, she turned me down. I felt sick but after that it gave me the seal to be more clean and good look so that no other lady will ever turn me down again

Here is an Old picture of me in the saloon.😄😄😄

The End.

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