A short holiday: Theinkwell fiction prompt

Jack, Allison, and Dan have lived all their lives in the big city with the wish to visit their grandfather, who lived at the border, which is not too far from the ocean. The cry to visit their grandfather became unbearable for their parents, who later succumbed to their request. “Next holiday, I promise we will go see your grandfather,” their parents will tell them.

Days quickly turned into weeks, and those weeks quickly turned into months. Soon it was the holiday season, and their parents needed to keep their word. When you arrive at your grandfather's house, what are your plans? Allison questioned Jack, her older brother. The boy responded, "Well, I'll ask dad to take us to the ocean; I've always wanted to see the vast water."

Dan was the shy type and believe so much in his big brother. Jack was tall even at his young age and grew up very strong so Dan believed as long as jack is around there is nothing to be worried about. The planning for their departure was at hand and the parent couldn’t go with them because of the kid of job the find themselves in. The grandfather sent one of his driver to come keep the kids from the city and after 3 hours drive the kids where in their fathers mansion.

The mansion was an architectural marvel with its grand entrance and sprawling gardens. Dan and Jack were in awe as they stepped out of the car and took in the sight before them. The driver bid them farewell and left them to explore their new surroundings. Inside, the mansion was filled with opulence and elegance. The walls were adorned with exquisite artwork, and the furniture was made of the finest materials. As they wandered through the rooms, they couldn't help but feel a sense of wonderment at their new home. It was a stark contrast to their humble upbringing in the city. Jack's eyes sparkled with excitement as he envisioned all the adventures they would have in this magnificent place. Dan, although still shy, couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence as he realized that this new chapter in their lives held endless possibilities.

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After days of playing in the mansion, Jack and Allison decided to disclose the reason they came. Grandfather, can we go fishing in your boat Allision said to her grandfather that he couldn't resist her cute face, so he gave in and asked his boatman to take them in his yatch. They went in the evening with the aim of coming back home with a fish in their bucket. They were in the middle of the sea when the storm came with a strong tempest. The boatman hurriedly went to the steering wheel to take them back, but Jack wouldn't want to return until he caught a fish. As the storm intensified, the waves grew larger and more ferocious, crashing against the sides of the yacht. Allision's excitement quickly turned into fear, and she pleaded with her boatman to head back to shore. However, Jack's determination to catch a fish seemed unwavering. Ignoring the boatman's pleas for safety, he stubbornly cast his line into the tumultuous waters.

The wind howled and and then poured down relentlessly, making it nearly impossible to see anything beyond a few feet. Allision clung tightly to her grandfather, tears streaming down her face as she realized the gravity of their situation. The boat rocked violently, threatening to capsize at any moment. Finally, Jack reluctantly reeled in his line and admitted defeat. With a heavy heart, he instructed the boatman to turn around and head back towards safety. The journey back was treacherous, with each passing second feeling like an eternity. It was so dark even with the yatch light they couldn't see but the boatman knew there was a beacon at the seashore that all boatmen use when they are lost. He followed the beacon and was able to rescue the kids back to their grandfather.

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