Will you marry me?


"You know how much I love her, even words could never explain what my heart feels. The moment I saw her, I fell in love and now I can't imagine my life without her." Henry said to his friend, Liam.

"I have been hearing this every day continuously for six weeks. You are just mad for her man." He replied.

Henry was deeply in love with Emma. She was his colleague, as they both were working in commercial enterprises. Henry was an old employee and Emma joined it a few weeks ago. But during their first interaction, he fell in love and now he was planning to propose to her.

" As now I have made up my mind to propose to her, so I want to do it in a way she won't reject me. I just want to do something special, very special." He again said to Liam.

" O man, What do you want to do?" He replied.

" What's about Cannon Beach? Isn't it a good idea? I will propose to her near Canon Beach. I am sure she wouldn't refuse. Let's begin preparations! I just need your help." Henry said in excitement, while he was blushing with happiness.

The day was decided and the event planner was at the spot to create a romantic setup. Henry went to invite Emma to her place. She opened the door and was surprised to see him at the door. She said,

" O Mr.Henry, is everything OK? How have you been there? I mean, it must be something urgent."

" Yes! Miss Emma, actually I came here to invite you to my birthday party."

He explained to her that he had arranged a birthday party for all his colleagues and he also wanted her to attend that party in the evening. She was agreed to attend the party. Everything was planned perfectly and Henry also bought a diamond ring for her.

He was excited to express his feelings, so he reached the beach almost two hours before. Everything was perfect, it was going to be the best day for Henry, if Emma would accept his proposal.

But suddenly things started to change. Henry noticed a change in the weather. Dark and heavy clouds appeared in the sky. Soon the calm and peaceful weather was replaced by heavy thunderstorms and rain. Henry's happiness was gone when he saw all the decorations were destroyed by the weather.

After a while, the thunderstorm was gone but a romantic setup that was created to propose to Emma was completely ruined. Henry was worried, as he was not expecting this. He sat sadly at the sand, his eyes were filled with tears.

"Ahhh...Dear Emma! Perhaps, I planned too much, but destiny has its plans. Alas! I couldn't even take a picture of the decorations." He said to himself.

But suddenly something hit his mind, he stood up and looked around. He collected some roses which were left in the sand by storm from decorations. He tied them all together and made a bouquet. He started to wait for Emma holding that bouquet in his hand.

After a while, Henry saw a girl coming towards the beach. She was beautifully dressed in a white dress. She was Emma, when Henry saw her, he was completely lost in her eyes. Emma was also blushing with happiness, as she was already informed about Henry's proposal by his friend, Liam. Henry sat down in front of Emma, offered her a bouquet and said,

"Emma! My love...You are the reason that flowers have such magical and beautiful colors. You live in my heart and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me? "


She was overjoyed to hear Henry's confession, she took flowers from his hands and said,

" I have already lost myself in your eyes. Yes! I will marry you."

They both gave a hug to each other. Although Henry's plan was ruined by weather, but plan B worked for him and he made a good proposal.

The End!
Images are from unsuplash.

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