A dream come true


"Natasha" the teacher shouted with a glance of anger in his face.

"Yes" am here, with an eye of just waking up from sleep Natasha answered him.

"I don't know why you are always sleeping in class, what do you do at home that makes you sleep in class" the teacher asked with a clear look of rage in his face.

"Maybe she's a bat that sleeps in day" Clara answered making the whole class laugh at her.

"Or maybe she just tired" Eric answered, Eric was one of Natasha friends who stood and defended her against bullies and mean girls and as an orphan Natasha never really had anybody to stand up like that for her.

The bell rang "Alright that's enough", the teacher said in order to keep the class calm, "Natasha i will let you go for today but next time i see you sleep in my class i wouldn't take it more polite" he told Natasha letting her know it was a warning.

"You can all go now" the teacher dismissed them

While they were going Natasha hurriedly walk up to Eric and said" thanks for standing up for me back in class".

"Oo that, it was nothing after all we are friends and friends stand by each other" Eric replied with a big smile on his face.

"Thanks "Natasha replied Eric.

"Let's go over there and have our lunch" Eric suggested.

While they were having their lunch Natasha saw the need to share her dreams with Eric

"Eric have you ever dreamt about something and you feel so close to achieving it" Natasha asked Eric

"Well, dreams can be gotten,It can be dreamt as well, but what would make you achieve that dream you have is your determination" Eric answered with such elegant and mesmerizing words.

"So have you ever dreamt of being someone or something in life" Natasha asked curious about what his answer would be.

"Well I do have dreams, just like you also have dreams, but I think mine would be more difficult to achieve than yours" Eric replied Natasha.

" Why do you say it would take a longer period than mine" she asked again with no clueness of what he meant.

"I meant my dreams are bigger and would take a life time to achieve it" he replied

"Okay now I understand" Natasha replied with assurance.

"So whats your own dream" Eric asked

"As for me, my dreams are simple I just want to be successful, live a good life and be able to make impact in the world, that's my dream" Natasha replied with all boldness.

" Wow such a wonderful dream and life you have planned for yourself " Eric replied Natasha with a smile on his face.

Just as they were discussing and chatting, clara the most arrogant and rudest girl in school which everybody hates and was fond of teasing and making fun of Natasha walked towards them.

"How are you Natasha, I hope you won't sleep in class today" she said trying to make fun of the fact that she was asleep during math period.

"Just leave her be Clara, she was simply tired that was why she fell asleep" Eric answered trying to defend her.

"Why are you defending her, isn't it obvious that She's only using you for your money "Clara said intending to make Natasha feel bad.

"I have to go, we will see later" Natasha said trying to avoid the conversation Clara was about bringing up.

After Natasha left, Eric angrily answered Clara" what's your problem, why can't you let her be" he said in a tone of anger.

"Are you seriously shouting at me because of her, she asked In a surprising tone.

"Look just leave her alone, she's already having a hard time and your just putting more trouble on her" Eric said trying to convince Clara to back off.

"I don't care what's she's going, all I know is that am not going to allow her use you" Clara replied and left.

It was the next day and as usual the hallway was filled and crowded with students coming in and out of the class.

"Hey" Eric said walking up to Natasha

"Hi" Natasha replied.

"Uhm about yesterday and what Clara said it's nothing and I don't think your using me" Eric said trying to convince her not to worry.

"It's not that i am worried about" Natasha replied with a worried face.

"Then what's it that troubles you" Eric asked with the intention of knowing.

"Its just that I don't know if am good enough to be your friend, I come from a average family while you are rich and you also have rich friends, i don't know if i will fit in well" Natasha answered telling him her mind.

"Look I don't care what people think, we are friends and money was not the reason i chose you as my friend it was because of the love And kindness you shown towards me and your good heart. So I don't care what they think you are my friend and that's finally " Eric said assuring Natasha that everything will be fine.

"Okay, thanks for the assurance " Natasha replied with a huge smile on her face.

"I will see you in class" Eric said after their discussion.

While in class awaiting for the teacher something intense happened

"Hello sleepy head" Clara said in the quest to make Natasha angry.

"Leave me alone " Natasha said calmly.

"What's this , is it a book of life goals" Clara said after forcefully dragging it from Natasha hands.

"Give it back Clara"Natasha replied

"Wow this book is useless just like you, and have this in mind that those things you wrote down there you will never be anyone " Clara said in an annoying tone.

With the anger in Natasha she replied" I didn't ask for your opinion bitch"

On the sound of that word from Natasha the whole class gasp and was shocked because no one knew she could say such a word.
With an unexpected reaction Natasha received a slap from Clara.

"How dare you slap me" Natasha said after returning back the slap to Clara.

After the exchange of slaps they started fighting.

"What's going on here" the teacher asked after intervening in the fight.

"She slapped me" Clara said while breathing heavily.

"Its not true you were the one that started it" Natasha said in order to defend herself.

"Both of you to the advisor office" the teacher yelled.

The advisor spoke to Clara first and dismissed her and it was Natasha turns.

" What really happened" the advisor asked

"Well she looked for my trouble, I said something to her and she slapped me" Natasha answered in a brief way.

"Okay , but I only want to advice you to desist from any form of violence Natasha " the advisor replied

"What do you mean " she asked

"I have been seeing you and watching you outside of the school and your not going in the right direction, your mom was close to me and I knew that she didn't train you like this. Please desist from any form of violence before it hurts you in future " the advisor told Natasha.

In a sober and tearful eye Natasha said"I just want to be like those rich and successful people out there, that's why I do all these things outside "

" I know it's tough having to live without your parents, but please deviate from evil influence " the advisor advised her.

Still with a sorrowful eye and in distress Natasha asked" am I a fool for dreaming"

The advisor looked at her short of words to say but only said few words" its is never foolish to dream because we all humans have dreams we would want to achieve".

From that day on Natasha made amends with Clara, decided to follow her dreams and work towards it but never to use the same approach she used before by following bad companies instead she met Eric and he assisted her with a job in his father's multimillion company, and within some few years she achieved the dreams she had for herself and Eric and her were still best of friends.


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