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The King of Babylon//The Inkwell Writing Prompt

The king of Babylon, a tall, handsome young man with beards stood on the top of the tower in his palace and admired the kingdom. No one in the surrounding kingdoms was as famous and rich as him, he had thousands of both men and women servants, the best of guards, and beautiful ornaments around his palace. He was respected and feared among other kings and the people called him lord. He ordered that anything manufactured in the kingdom including the currencies carry his image on it.

"From henceforth, you'll pledge your allegiance to me, there's no one as great as I am" He announced "I am great, greater than whoever lived before me" he said, every of his statements always ended with the phrase "I am greater than whoever lived before me"

Soon he forgot all who had helped him rise to the top as he flaunted about his possessions and all he was able to achieve. He boasted about how he needed no one to become who he is.

"Everything you see in his kingdom, I worked for it and there's no one as great as I am" he says each time he was told everything he had achieved was as a result of the support he had from his members in his cabinet.

The young king sat one evening stroking his beard and filled with joy as he looked around the palace, the men and women servants going to and fro, the guards actively on their duty post, the cook doing their duties. He smiled filled with contentment, I have given these people life, what would they have done without me he imagined in his heart, "my greatness no one can compare" he mumbled as he returned to rest.

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Each day, more tasks were given to his labourers, and he reduced their quantity of feed. He went about kingdoms calling himself god, "I have made myself great, greater than whoever lived before me" he says. It came at a time when everyone became fed up, he never appreciated anyone but took every credit for the work done. His pride was known among other kings. it was easily noticed with the way he carried his shoulders while walking. All of his workers left. He didn't care for the first two days until his ornaments plants became untrimmed, his house filled with dirt and cobwebs, everything that held beauty in his eyes started to fade. He sought for men and women servants but found none , then it dawned on him how empty he was without others. His wealth didn't count as everyone turned down his offer and he realized how wealth itself is nothing if the people chose to give no value to it. Soon it humbled him and he realized, everything he had achieved wasn't just by his power but the organization of people.