A Life On Repeat

A few months ago, my life was as good as it gets. Movies, blog and sleep, blissful and joyous. But life after school really is what they say it is, and it was just waiting to happen to me. I thought final year was stressful, but boy was I wrong!

Do you know the feeling when you’ve been looking forward to something so much and you get it, and it feels like you’ve been scammed? The feeling when what you thought was, isn’t what you believed it to be.

That is my life right now. Everyday of it. I wake up to relive the same day everyday. The only days in the week I acknowledge are the weekends, and it’s rightly so because the weekend is the only time I don’t wake up to the deafening buzz of my alarm pre-annoyed at the start of a new day.

Regardless, it is life- my life. And I live it everyday looking forward to the end of every passing one. As if that meant the next would be any different.

What happened to all the good stories of life after school we were told? Does it get any better? Do I ever wake up one day and not have to go to work hungry because I woke up late as a result of not getting enough sleep? Will I ever stop eating lunch for breakfast?

Oh and it gets worse better. The walk from my hostel to work is no easy feat. Not just because I sweat and breath like I just run a marathon by the time I’m there, but because of the dust you get covered in on the walk. Carrying an extra shoe in my bag to change after I walk through this sandstorm of a path is not sweet either.

And after I make it work, then comes the next. How about the fatigue? Does everyone else doze off almost into deep slumber sitting in front of their work desk with days pile of papers to mark?

Enough about work, my personal life…well, I don’t know if I should even call it personal, as it doesn’t seem I have a life itself anymore. Work is all I know.

How does 20 minutes become a sleeping pill strong enough to knock out someone who binged seasons worth of shows in one night’s sitting? To someone who got insomnia because of his “one more episode” problem. How did I get here?

If my laptop were a person, the only two friends it’d have right now would be Microsoft office and Hive.blog. Microsoft office for work, and Hive.blog for work.

Music is the only escape from this life. But even my playlist is nothing new. Same old, Dave and Nathan albums on repeat. You get the idea.

This is what a day in my life feels like- most of them anyways. The repeated activities, alarms with notes to wake up and get ready for work as if the alarm’s sound wasn’t enough to deliver the message, lunch for breakfast, 15 minutes walk through a sandstorm of a path, days worth of grading to catch up on that just keeps piling every single day…Does everyone else wake up everyday to do a job they don’t really look forward to or is it just me?

All pictures in this post are mine

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