One anesthetic dream


Marco stood at the end of an auditorium breathing heavily like he was being Chased by someone, he looked around the hall and then decided to keep walking towards the exit. He was in an abandoned industry, it looked like the workers there had rushed out of the industry in an hurry, he walked staggering and leaning on the wall till he made it outside.

He could see the moon, big and white and the sky purple with the emerging sun, one thought came to his mind, run. He Soon Started running after he felt he the presence of someone around him, but he wasn't being Chased, his fear of being alone had taken over his senses. He walked up a stairs and opened an heavy door. He was outside on top of a huge ten story abandoned building, thousands of pigeons were on a huge tree beside the building and their screams were so loud as they flew from tree to tree in their numbers.

The large number of birds shocked Marco as it added to his fear. He kept on walking on the top on the building as he watched the pigeons stare terribly at him. He made a frown to try to intemidate the birds, but they wouldn't bulge, they didn't look intimidated at all, they kept staring at him as he walked pass their Dark tall tree. The sun was rising among the clouds making everywhere bright again, he stopped and stared at the sun for a little while, and for no reason he felt the Urge to protect himself from the sun as he placed his right hand to cover his eyes, Soon his right hand burst into flames which quickly spread all over his body, making his entire body engulf in flames.

He screamed loudly as he tried desperatly to put off the flames, the once bold pigeons fled from their tree in fear of being set on fire by burning man, Marco Screaming and running till he eventually fell off the roof of the building.

He was in no pain from the fire, he slowly started to float up in the air and realized he could actually fly, his fear turned to excitement as the flames lit up more making him maneuver easily In the air, his speed was like a rocket and his eye sight like that of an eagle. He was living his favorite superhero, the human torch from the marvel comics, the whizzed past a sky scraper while shouting in excitement, he was living every young boy's dream.

He soon started to hear loud voices in his head, someone was calling his name his consciousness started to fade as he came back to reality, smiling at him was a nurse and his mother right next to her, "you were kicking and shouting with excitement" said his mother followed by a huge burst of laughter. Marco just had his wisdom tooth removed and the doctor had administered anesthesia to him, at the end it all just one wild anesthetic dream. A dream Marco would definitely want to live again.


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