He's still my Number 1


I could remember how I and Efe met for the first time; we had just resumed school as freshers and were trying to catch up with the school's demands. 7:00 am lectures were made mandatory, practical classes were there, and the queue to pay school fees and other dues was something else. Everything was scattered, and you needed to see how we run helterskelter to meet up with one task or the other.

On a Tuesday's morning, I got to class around 8:00am to meet the class filled to the brim, I could only manage to secure the last seat at the back and for sure, I couldn't pick any sense of what lecturer taught that day.

After the class, I met one of the class students to get a note of what the lecturer taught; he reluctantly gave me his note with T&C to return in a GIF.

I was writing that note when I saw a girl sit beside me on the long student bench. I looked up and we greeted, and the next thing I heard from her was "Efe, please come and sit beside this guy." She called on Efe, who was looking like a complete novice.

This lady introduced Efe has her brother and she'd like Efe to get along with me because he just resumed.
When I looked closely, Efe look more matured to the sister and I wondered how a small girl will be making way for a matured guy.

Well, he asked for the notes I had and I gave to him. We exchanged contacts and I collected the sister's contact too.
I took excuse and left for bank to pay my school fees, the queue I met there was so hectic but I decided to wait and see if a miracle would occur.

Within 30mins of waiting on the queue, I got a call from Efe's sister, informing me to rush down to class because a test is about to kick off. I checked the distance from the bank to school, I knew my chance of meeting the test is very little, so I quickly hopped into a public transport (motorcycle), told the motorcyclist to fly because I was about to miss a test and he understood, he drove so fast like that of "fast & furious".
But it took me up to 20mins before getting to class and to my surprise, they've finished the test...I just missed a test.

I was feeling the moment with sweat all over me when Efe's sister walked up to me and said she wrote for me. I was like "what? how come? You're not even in this department?". She gave me a calm look and said she copied from others because the class was crowdy and noisy. I felt so relaxed after hearing that.

After everything that day, I later found out that Efe and his sister were both new intake too, the sister is in Accounting Department while Efe is in same department with me. She only escorted Efe to his department that day. And just like I assumed earlier, she's a younger sister to Efe.

From that day, I and Efe became the best of friends and it looked so sweet because I was seen as a family family anytime I visit their house because of her sister.

All through our schooling days, we never had any issue, I mean no quarrel at all. We were just perfect description of friendship. I enjoyed Efe so much because he always step in for me whenever I'm down especially on financial basis because his parents are somehow rich.

Also, we looked out for each other in different ways, we made sure our names always appear on attendance list whenever one of us is not in class that day.

Infact, there was a day we submitted two copies of my test booklet. I was on my way going to school that day when he called me that there was test. When he saw that I wasn't available, he smartly wrote two; one for him and one for me(with my details) and submitted. Meanwhile, I was able to meet the test at die minutes, which I quickly wrote and submitted.

So after the test, he was surprised to see me in class and he told me that he had writen for me. Jeeez!
It became a trouble for us for trying to sort out one of the papers because if the lecturer sees the two, that's a direct failure for me because it's clean malpractice.

We sorted for means to extract one of the booklets but no way, we just let the case to the hand of God, and God did it because I didn't fail when the result came out.

Till today, Efe is still my best, we talk often and still call each other when in need. Among all my friends in school, He's still number 1.

Thank you for taking your time to read this. Also, I'm excited to give my first shot of writing in the Community

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