My Piece


Nacho Juarez

My Piece

Being a child who is growing during my days was something we all love, but making your dream come true was something we were fighting for. I was so happy being a child and playing with my mates right in my childhood days. I aimed to fulfill my dreams of becoming an engineer. To be a precise electrical engineer.

Back in the day, my parents always wanted me to go for what was in my mind, but I never knew that the future holds something different for me. When you plan something, the future might be something different from your plans. This was what was happening. A growing child could not believe what the elders are facing until he or she faces the same kind of experience.

My dad was so proud of me back in the day and had always wanted me to stay away from the kitchen especially when it comes to the aspect of smoke. He told me he wouldn't want the condition where I had to suffer eye problems when I grew up. He has warned my mum not to in anyways allow me in the smoke. I was an obedient being and always obey what my parents told me. My mum had been so careful not to send me to the kitchen but I'm so adamant and could not wait for my mum to do it alone I stead would help her in the kitchen. Whenever my dad is coming, I would leave the kitchen at once. You may not know how to prepare good food if you did not stay glued to your mum in the kitchen. She is the one who would help you to fulfill the kitchen experience.

As I grew up, it got to a time when I had to get frustrated in the aspect of achieving my dreams of becoming an electrical engineer just because of mathematics. My mum advised me to be courageous enough to achieve my aim. She told me to sit tight and that I would make my dream come true. She gave me the mind and courage to know mathematics to the best of my ability.

After secondary school, I was making an effort to proceed to university, but all my efforts proved abortive. I tried and tried but could not come up with plans to study my dream course. After much effort, I managed to proceed to the polytechnic where I studied electrical electronics engineering. It was so nice going to the polytechnic. I truly managed to make ends meet. I was struggling to eat but later met some guys who we became friends with. They were helping me financially.

After my polytechnic, I was supposed to go to either university or proceed to the upper level in the polytechnic, but I decided to pause just because of money. After some time, my dream was shattered and the other plan of life held for me was manifested. I deviated from my initial field to the teaching field. I dropped my electrical engineering certificate to run after teaching. Now, I'm a complete teacher.

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