Beebe and Flyfi friends, making a difference

Image by RichardsDrawings

Hello to all my friends who take the time to read the stories I write, today I decided to write a fictional story for this amazing community @theinkwell, I have read the rules and suggestions and I hope to share with you a story that is to your liking, I hope you like it and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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Playing among the flowers was Beebe the little bee, avoiding the other insects for being cruel to her, Beebe was a sweet and kind being with everyone, willing to help and share her flowers with whoever needed them, mama bee taught her that she had to be good and kind so that the others would also be kind to her, however, because of her stripes the insects made fun, seeing her covered with pollen they did nothing but insinuate that she was a strange and dirty insect, even so Beebe endured as much as she could and continued being kind to everyone.

One fine day while doing her daily work she found among the leaves of one of her favorite flowers a small fly, it was the first time she got one among the plants, this was not her favorite place but that of the bees, Beebe was predisposed remembering all the times the flies were mean to her, this would be the perfect moment for one of them to feel what Beebe felt for so many years, however an unexpected event made Vivi forget about the idea of seeking revenge.

Fuente by OpenClipart-Vectors

She saw mother bee being carried away by a strong breeze and no matter how hard she struggled to return, her strength was such that she carried her far away from home, frightened, desperate and sad Beebe cried on one of the flower petals, Flyfi the fly hidden among the leaves, felt very bad for Beebe and slowly approached her to comfort her, giving her words of encouragement she told her that mama bee was strong and that she would probably be fine and looking for her way home, Beebe dried her tears and smiled at Flyfi, thanked him for his words and set off to fly away in search of mama bee.

Behind her she heard a buzzing sound and when she turned around she saw that she was accompanied by the little fly, Beebe did not understand why he was so kind, if all the other flies had always been so mean to her, but being now accompanied she felt safer to go in search of mama bee, along the way they had to hide from reptiles and even human traps, every time Flyfi and stayed by her side and always told her that soon they would get mama bee. They soon became good friends, protecting each other time after time from the dangers around them.

After several days full of fear but also a bit of fun, they got mama bee in a tree being attacked by some ants, Flyfi quickly flew over them to scare them away and after a while they started to leave, and so she helped her friend to get mama bee back, proving to her that she was a true friend and that she was a true friend, so she was a true friend and that no matter what other flies had done she was good and soon Beebe knew why, mama fly had taught Flyfi that no matter what the flies around her were like, she had to be different and help others, even though mama fly had to leave and Flyfi was left alone, she still remembered what mama fly had taught her.

Flyfi being a different fly despite bad examples, and Beebe being a noble bee despite being teased, they became great friends who supported each other throughout their lives, helping other people and keeping that nobility in their hearts.

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No matter how the people around us are, we can make a difference, be good people and help those who need it, although others may not treat us the same way, knowing that we have been good and kind to others, should be enough for us, remember that we will always find a kind-hearted person who will appreciate what we do for them and in turn, will offer us their help without any interest.

Thank you very much to everyone who read my story, it has been a pleasure, I will be attentive to your suggestions for improvement. Have a nice day.

The dividers used were edited by me in Paint 3D, and I downloaded them from pixabay.

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