Becks,the Boxer

"Sweetheart, my mind isn't right about this fight you are in for", Jennifer told Becks,her boyfriend. "I know, My love but if I win this fight,our lives will change for good and my plans of marrying you will be a great and sure one",Becks replied ,as they hugged each other.

Becks was a very good boxer,new in the career and was winning a lot of fans. After his consecutive wins over four other boxers, he was now appointed to fight with one of the most famous boxers, Usick. His girlfriend has been trying to convince him to quit the fight but Becks had his plan. He wanted to use the money from the fight to plan his marriage with Jennifer and also wanted to make his manager proud. Though Jennifer wanted Becks to marry her but still never supported the fight. She believed he could make money somewhere else and marry her rather than die in the ring.

Time ran faster than one could imagine,it was the D-day. Jennifer had prepared Beck's favorite meal and since she had failed in convincing him to quit the fight,she tried to encourage him and gave him hope of victory. From the votes from the fans, before the fight started,Usick had thousands of votes while Becks had a hundred and seventeen. People believed that with Usick's records and physique,he was sure to win the fight. Popular musicians and businessmen staked money for Usick to win the fight. The only support Becks had was from his girlfriend, manager and few fans.

It was time, the two were called into rings. Becks was called first and his fans hailed him and clapped for him. When Usick was called the whole place was loud,cheers and clapping of hands almost pulled out the building's foundation. The fans cheered as if Usick had the victory already. Usick was overconfident and believed he had won already. Becks,with the little fear inside, was very tactical conscious and planned to take advantage of Usick's overconfidence. Becks knew that Usick had belittled him and would fight without watching.

Beck' assumptions were all right. The fight started by the ring of a bell, Usick was delivering punches anyhow and with all his energy. Becks was only blocking the punches and when he noticed Usick was breathing heavily,he was tired,and Becks began his attack. He knocked Usick down in the first four rounds and most of Usick's fans were quiet and the people who staked money that Usick would win were afraid but still had a chance.The fight had five rounds not as the usual boxing.

In the fifth and last round, Usick manager gave Usick the energy potion he had never given before. This potion increased his heartbeat,movement speed and energy duration. Jennifer was very happy, hoping the next round would turn out well. But it did not. While they were delivering punches, Usick gave Becks a powerful punch at his jaw which made fell to the floor. The rule of the game is, if the winning fighter is knocked down in the last round that he could not wake up after three minutes and is taken to the emergency unit,the opponent wins automatically as the two fighters can't leave the ring without having a winner.

Becks was on the ground, Usick prayed that he should never wake. Becks blacked out,but while in that realm he could hear the voice of Jennifer shouting "You can do this,Honey". The echo of the phrase "You can…" continued ringing in Beck's head. Suddenly, Becks rose up as if he was being chased by a wolf in his sleep. And his fans shouted in hail,some Usick's fans unconsciously joined in the shout but later realized they weren't supporting Becks. The continued the fight after he rose up and Usick was able to knock him down till time elapsed.

It was a hearty victory as Jennifer shed tears of joy. Though Becks won the fight, he sustained a very serious jaw injury that he wasn't able to chew for a week. After he was discharged from the hospital,he began to work on his plans on marrying Jennifer. This fight he won had made him rich and he planned on buying Jennifer a diamond ring.

Jennifer was very surprised and happy when Becks proposed to her with a diamond ring,she never dreamed of that,but it happened. Becks got married to Jennifer and they made a very happy family at the end.

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