Bell-John has come of age to pass through the test of worthiness before he can sit at the round table of worthy men and assigned a right hand man just like his father. This was the tradition of Glassfield town which King George the first, pronounced into law as a must done test for every son of a warrior once he clocks 25.

Three days will be set aside for this test to be done consisting of ten able contenders for that space amongst worthy men. The test will show the mental, physical and psychological strength of these youngsters in the presence of everyone in town; both old and young.

Alexa, a fine maiden who's in courtship with Bell-John lives in worry as the end of each day draws them closer to the week set for the test.

They have been friends since Alexa's ten year old birthday where Bell-John and his father were attendants. They officially become a thing on Alexa's 20th birthday when Bell-John asked her to be his girlfriend.

One evening after dinner both parties met to clear some anxiety in the air regarding the test, mostly to the favor of Alexa.
"My dear, you look tensed. Don't tell me you're worried sick about my well-being during the upcoming tournament?". Alexa without saying a word, snuggled herself in Bell-John's open arms. She definitely needed the warmth he was offering. "Bell, as she always addressed him as "what if you choose to skip this test?".

"Beyond every reasonable doubt, you have always showed your worth, so why should you prove it?", she asked nervously. "Alexa dear, you need not fear a thing. I'll see you each day after dinner at the end of every stage of this test, OK?". "Just have this faith in me. I'll win for us, trust me", he smiled into her face. There was no need replying that last statement because Alexa has always trusted Bell's words especially when he says, trust me.

Stride, Bell's father's right hand man was amongst the crew to organise this tournament and is also a young man (the youngest right hand man to be assigned) who has a thing for Alexa, yet he hasn't made it known to her. He plans to sabotage the test at some point to ensure Bell-John's downfall.

Bell has always shown his worth no matter the situation and he has always demonstrated wisdom in all he does. It's the first stage of the tournament which will span for 24hrs and he has noticed the dislike in Stride's eyes/attitude, thanks for his razor-sharp wit but he's unable to ascertain the reason behind the change.

Mental test was the first stage of the tournament, all the contestants are put in their respective positions and it's day 1. "Get a catch from a nearby bush. You won't be given a trap so however you want to go about it, I don't care. First man to get here gets the point. You get the chance to go with a partner". These were the instructions of the the head warrior in charge calling the shots.
In pairs, they began to set out. Bell's partner turned out to be Stride. He was purposely while making a pick as granted by the head warrior. Bell knew something was really off with Stride so he made sure to know what was up and find a solution if possible.

"I can make a trap out of these weapons I have. We have to turn up good with our catch and on time to bag that point", said Bell-John. "But I thought the head warrior asked the contestants not to use a trap", replied Stride. Amused Bell, after having a good laugh said, "Head warrior couldn't let us go with a trap from his. That doesn't stop us from making ours. Besides, how do we get a good job done without a trap?". With these words, Bell went straight to work. All the jealous Stride, goes up to Bell's fixed trap, loosens a nut and tiptoed back fire side where he initially was pretending nothing happened.

Bell knowing a thing or two about hunting checked on his trap and finds it in a bad shape. He tries to redo what has been done but realizes how much of a time wastage it was going to be. His so-called partner was peaceful having a good night sleep after a successful sabotage. Meanwhile, a tree branch caught Strides clothes unknowningly while he was busy sneaking around. Bell gets the piece as evidence against his partner and begins to find a way to get that promised point.

It's few hours till dawn and no catch for Bell. He is tired, dirty, angry and frustrated about everything. He got accosted by a relatively large bear that seem really hungry, ready to devour any prey. Tired Bell, unable to run, tries a trick to calm the raving beast by staring it down and he discovers he had the power to read one's thought and give a response when needed. He then uses his powers to lure the bear to the site where the tournament was holding making him emerge as the winner of the first round.

Cheers kept coming hours after his win and more encouragement he got to help him for the next rounds before the final declaration of the winner. His other fellow contestants came through with their catches mostly dead and they marveled at Bell-John's.

Stride arrives and learns that Bell won the first round of the test. He makes a eye contact with Bell who signals him for a chat. "What did you do to the trap I laid for a catch?", Bell began after they were in private. "I don't know what you're talking about, Bell-John", replied Stride.

"Maybe this should refresh your memory!". Bell angrily tossed the evidence he found towards Stride. "With this piece of evidence, I can completely ruin your career as right hand man, I hope u know that?!". "Forgive me Bell", began Stride who was on his knees. "I was only driven by jealousy. I wanted all you had from your looks to your attitude to your girlfriend. You have the life I want and I don't know how else to go about it so I thought sabotaging your efforts to make you lose will give me a winning edge over you". "Please have mercy. I'll never do this again, I promise".

Pitiful at his friend who's asking for mercy on at his feet, Bell pulls Stride up and embraces him. After a moment of emotions, he releases Stride and tells him he has been forgiven. Bell also encouraged his friend not to hold grudges or think evil about anyone instead, he should let it out by talking to the person(s) in question.

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