Wonders shall never end.

Image is mine

It was the weekend and like every other weekend, my ex boyfriend would come pick me up from school, we'd get any dinner of my choosing and we'd retire to his apartment where I get to spend the weekend with him. But on this particular weekend, he came quite late and not in his usual exciting mood to see me. I thought maybe he's stressed with his school work.

“Is everything ok?” I inquired, holding his hands as we sat in the love garden where we usually meet on campus.

“Yeah, everything is fine, do I not look fine?” He responded in a defensive tone.

“You are awfully quiet and not in your usual chatty self.”

I knew I did nothing wrong, so asking him if the fault was from me was out of it. At a point, I got angry, and we had a serious argument over what didn't even make sense.

He got angry and left, and I felt awful. I thought perhaps I had overreacted. Maybe I should have been more understanding and patient with him.

There were so many maybes and if there are things I hate in my life are regrets, what ifs and maybes. In order not to keep beating myself up, I ran after him, hoping to catch up with him before he zoomed off.

But then I saw him cross the road to a Shawarma/Meshai(locally toasted bread and Omelette in-between) stand opposite the school gate.

“He didn't drive?” I thought to myself and just followed him closely without being spotted. He picked up two Shawarma and two plastic bottled coke. My suspicion grew because he's supposed to be living alone, plus he has no male friend who would come around that he will be buying Shawarma for.

Usually, when any of his guys visit, he would go to the market and make soup or stew of which they will use to eat Rice or Fufu/Eba.

For him to be buying 2 Shawarma and 2 coke, simply means it's a female. I would rather not jump into a conclusion, but I was already putting one and two together and already making sense out of the senseless quarrel we had a while back.

I hid and watched him closely as he paid for his order. “So basically, he already placed the order before he came to see me in school…. Wow!” I had exclaimed because wonders shall never end.

After sorting out with the Shawarma vendor, he boarded a Motorcycle and zoomed off to his house. I, on the other hand, hopped on the closest available motorcycle that I saw and followed him. I stopped two Electricity poles from his compound and saw him walked in.

Furthermore, I gave two minutes gap and then matched straight to his apartment. Not only that, but I didn't even bother to knock as I badged in. The sitting room was empty, and then I proceeded to the bedroom, where I saw a very fat girl with two luggages.

“Good evening”, she greeted with a somewhat shaky voice. I wasn't going to dignify her with a response, as I was upset. I took a long stare at her and then went back to the sitting room to sit and wait for my sweet boyfriend (ex)

I sat for about five minutes and then he came in. The moment he saw me, he quickly went back outside. Stood by the door for some brief seconds, probably to rehearse his lies, and then came in.

That was the calmest I have ever seen a man act in my entire life.

“Babe, You came…. Listen, I'm sorry for what happened in school, can we talk about it?”

“Let us first talk about the girl in your room”. Just then, the lady got up and went outside.

“She's just a friend, babe…. I swear on my life that I'm just trying to help her out for the night.”

“Hmm mm”…. I responded with a stern look that I'm sure pierced through his soul.

“Which one is, hmm mm? She's a student here too and even live in the hostel."

"Really? What department is she, what's her name and what hostel does she live?"

She's in Intelligent and security studies (ISS), her name is Gloria, and she lives in Jungle lodge. My ex replied without hesitating.

He continued with his tales by the moonlight, "their water system had a fault and her period came, so she called to spend some time in my house until it's rectified. You are a woman, surely you understand these things”.

“You must think I am a mumu(Fool)”. At this point, my anger boiled and raised to the roof because he was clearly lying to my face.

We were in a private Uni where everyone knows everyone. My hostel was opposite Jungle lodge and if there's any water issue we would have heard of it. Then, I had never seen this particular girl on campus before.

Seeing that I wasn't buying into his lies, he started again with the manipulative attitude and fake anger. Or was it real? Well, I wouldn't know, but he left, slamming the door.

I did not set eyes on him neither did I set eyes on his female visitor after the confrontation. But seeing that it was getting late, I locked the door and went to bed. When I woke up to go pee, I thought where could they be? Did they come back to knock while I was asleep?

When I got done with the ladies, I came out to look around for them. It was past 2 am, where could they be? While that thought occupied my mind, I walked to the balcony and saw the girl lying on her wrapper she had spread on the floor. My sweet ex-boyfriend was sitting by her side with his shirt off as he was using it to drive away mosquitoes from feasting on them.

On seeing that they were within the premises of the compound safe and sound, I went back to sleep but left the door opened just in case they needed to escape from harm.

I woke up the next day to my ex dragging the lady's two luggage.

“Aww…. Our guest is leaving so soon?” I had inquired from my ex, wearing a pretty smile.

He looked at me with a squeezed face and red eyes. After struggling to take the luggages downstairs and saw the lady off. He came back to meet me leaving for school.

“How can you be this wicked to your fellow woman? You didn't even care we slept outside with the mosquitoes, I never knew you were this wicked, but thank you for showing me who you are”.

“You are welcome”, I had responded as I made my way downstairs and started planning my exit from the relationship, but I needed a solid reason so the moment I got to school, I went straight to Jungle lodge to confirm if indeed their water system got bad the previous night, but it didn't. In fact, it was working fine.

I proceeded to ask the course rep of ISS department and also to confirm the name of the girl my ex had given, and the girl could not be identified.

I looked up to the high heavens, chuckled and exclaimed hey! Wonders indeed shall never end!

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