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Retribution... The Deed Has Been Done.

It has been said. The deed has been done. There is no going back for him... That he knew.

The blazing endless sound vibrated through again and Andrew lost the strength to cover up his ears.

Blood dripped off him as he walked but he never minded it a bit. The crushing pain in his heart is what needs to be stopped.

He looked over to heaven as a single tear dropped. His surroundings were surreal. But it wasn't supposed to be. He never thought his actions would... He never thought things through. Ohhh. The fire!!!


Now, he Wished he could turn back the hands of time. That would have been great. All these happenings will just be a dream. A dream never to come through.

His eyes shone with hope as he begged furiously but... It isn't a dream. The blazing sound that never stopped was proof of his end. An end that he never expected.

Andrew's life started well. He had a good job. A lovely family and more than he could ask for. Everything was great. No malice around him. His wife, Gabrielle was a gem and she gave him two lovely kids, Aaron 6 years and Lisa 4 years old.

Lisa and Aaron were smart and won different competitions at a young age. He was a proud father and he loved his wife dearly. He loved them but... Now, they are gone. He hadn't meant for all these to happen, but what good is the word when the action depicts another?

A painful laugh escaped his tight thin lips and he grimaced. One minute he was all happy and the next minute everything turned. Karma!!! He should have remembered its wrath in his younger age but he didn't and that brought his doom.

During his teenage years to adulthood, Andrew was a bonafide owner of "The Players Club". Ladies swam at his feet and worshiped him. His height was a bonus to his handsomeness and dimple.

He was every woman's dream and his charming voice brought lots of women to his bed like it was the mating season.

His life was like that until he met Brittany. She was beautiful and very charming with her words. She was different. She didn't fall for his words or his height and this made him chase her until he got her.

He decided to make the relationship with her longer than others. And goodness, the relationship was long.

One month and some weeks, that was how long they lasted until Andrew cut her off.

Brittany was good. Very calm and collected until she fell deeply for him. He had laughed when she cried confessing how she felt to him. "Oh, no. He can't stick with her". They were more beautiful women to explore.

But... Brittany didn't back off like the others. She was clingy and became obsessed with him so he found ways to cut her off again. But when she didn't, he called her over for one last romance and he videoed it.

He needed It to make her back off. But, she believed he won't press the send button but he did. The video took over social media and Brittany's life was shattered.

The video outbreak stayed for some weeks until it was gone and so was Brittany.

The deed gladdens Andrew's heart and he was praised by his friends. He was a champion and women wanted him more. So he gave himself more life filled with enjoyment.

Years later, Andrew changed his ways. He stayed off women for a while as he thought about his life. Most of his friends were married and he wanted that kind of life too.

He wanted to have kids and a good woman by his side and... Heaven heard him and blessed him with his needs. Only that... They were taken away so soon.

Brittany had found him some months back at the grocery shop. He didn't recognize her at first until she told him she did plastic surgery. He apologized for his doings and she accepted. And that should end it, right? Only that... Brittany wasn't done with him.

She started by visiting his children's school and his wife's Fashion house. She got closer to them and became friends with his wife.

When his wife first told him about her new friend and a picture of them together, he was scared and he should have told her... But, he was ashamed of his past life. So he kept mute, after all, Brittany had forgiven him.

That was a mistake he made.

Some days later, his wife informed him Brittany was coming over the next day. He couldn't say no. He smiled and nodded.

On the said day, his wife was in the kitchen cooking with the children while he was fixing the buttons on Lisa's cloth with a needle and thread. His wife had asked him to. And he was doing just that when the doorbell rang.

Walking over to the door, he opened it, and standing there was Brittany with a smile and he let her in before calling his wife over. They exchanged pleasantries and just as he was about to sit down, his wife begged him to get some things from the grocery store so he quickly left.

Some minutes later, his phone pinged and he checked his message to see it was from Brittany. The message read;

"You can't save them. They will burn and so will I. That should make good news, right? Social media will lite up once again".

He rushed home after reading the message but he couldn't find his home. Fire blazed through his apartment and he heard screaming.

Dashing into the fire, the scream ended and so did his life.

The fire service came over to stop the fire and he was brought out from the fire. His hands covered his ears to stop the sound of the fire truck until he gave up.

Standing on his feet, he watched as bodies were brought out of his building. His mouth was opened but no sound came out. It was real. They are gone. He has no life again.

Staring at the Sky, he cried out painfully until his throat cracked. His breath became ragged as he held his chest. The deed has been done.