
She could feel a weird energy around her. The feeling was surreal and the whispers that followed suit were scary yet comforting.

"Who is that?" She asked, standing up from her bed. Her legs gently touched the cold floor of her room as a piercing sound rang out. Holding her ears tightly, she grimaced at the object of her misery. Her alarm is going to be the death of her.

Years after her Mum died due to cancer, Diana lived with her Dad who had stayed unmarried until some months back when he met a lady with whom he settled down some weeks later. It was right then Diana decided to move out since she finished her master's degree in Journalism.

She didn't want to stay in the same country where she finished all her education so she decided to get a job in a country far away. Emails were sent to different Media Organizations and after some days, she got an email from one of the Media organizations where she was granted an interview which got her to her present location where she got employed as a Journalist.

It has been a few days of her stay here and she loves it except for the strange feelings she was getting which made her uneasy. It was crystal clear something wasn't right in her two-bedroom flat which she rented when she arrived in the country.

It feels like someone or something was trying to talk to her but she didn't understand their whispers. It was driving her insane as she couldn't get her curious mind from getting answers to know if any mystery is attached to the house rented. She searched for answers and got a clean slate. There was no mystery. Her journalistic sense seems to mock her, "Nose for news my ass". That's what she thought until this moment when the feeling became stronger.

The moment she switched off the crazy sound of her alarm, she sat on the bed with her head on her palms facing downward as she sighed.


"Am I going crazy?" She asked the air that surrounded her and she was shocked at what happened next.

"No, you aren't, just be calm and listen". Replied a voice.

The voice was strange and soothing but that didn't stop Diana's heart from beating fast.

"I told you to relax, please breathe slowly". The voice said again and she listened, breathing slowly until her heart got back its rhythm.

"Who are you?" Diana asked again, "Can I see you?" She questioned.

"Yes, you can, but don't scream". The voice replied and Diana nodded her head but her mouth opened agape at what stood before her.

"What are... What... You..." Diana stammered, unable to get her words right. This can't be real, she thought, there was no mystery attached to the house, everything was normal, everything was... But the voice broke her thoughts with answers to her questions.

"I am a wandering crystal, Diana, I felt your energy when you arrived in the country. Your heart is pure and you have gone through a lot in life and also made sacrifices. You finished all your education in your country and stayed home every day after your mother died to comfort your father. You have your dreams to study elsewhere but you are stuck with your Dad and now, you became a graduate of Journalism because you want to give voices to those who can't be heard. You are an amazing soul who puts people first and that is why my glow chose you. I will stay with you and help you uncover as many mysteries as you want until you die, then I can wander off again in search of a new master to own me".

The voice became closer as it spoke and Diana was bewitched by its beauty.

"You are a glowing human jelly glass," Diana said.

"I am a glowing human crystal", replied the voice. "You can see anything happening around the world through me and your pen will do the work of bringing the darkest hearts to the limelight". Sitting beside Diana, Crystal continued, "All you have to do is to be true to yourself as you've always been and I will serve you as I have served those before you".

Gathering up all courage, Diana nodded, "Then serve me until the very day I die".

"And, I will, my new master". Replied Crystal.

"Let's get to work" Diana said, touching Crystal, she couldn't help closing her eyes at the calmness it filled her soul with.

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