A Sneak Peek Into My Dreamland.

"I want it badly, but isn't it a hard thing to come by?" My mind retorted back to my daydreaming.

I am a dreamer, I must confess. I love how my mind can pull up strings of how my life could be. It is an amazing feeling, yet saddening. It is amazing to see my mind can come up with such a fantasy and sad that it won't be a dream anymore but a reality that would be hard to come through with how the country is. A heavy sigh left my lip as I got tranced back into my dream.



Sitting with my eyes straight ahead on the bed, I smiled as my mind got engulfed into a dream state. I could see myself in a better country where I am free to do the kind of job I enjoy doing and being paid rightly for it. The thought added more smile to my face. It is heartwarming that I chuckled out in reality.

I just love the need to communicate either verbally or nonverbally. Interacting with humans is one hell of a job but it is loving when you are passionate about it. Something is enchanting about humans and I have found myself enchanted as I listen to Mrs. Jones speak on how her marriage of 2 years crashed. Being a certified counselor, I listened to every word and asked questions about her dreams. Things she wants and envisioned and if she is living her dreams. After further assistance was given to Mrs. Jones, we got to the root of the matter and lay ahead a plan to be executed right away.

The moment Mrs. jones left my office, another person came in and we chatted. I listened again. It is what I prefer doing in this part of the job as teaching in an elementary school takes the first part of the day. Don't you find it amusing? Cos I do. It is loving and educative to see how children act. One minute they make the statement, "I will not play with you again" and the next minute you find them with the same person giggling endlessly. A kid's heart? It is so pure and true.

Smiling again, I left my counseling office at noon and went home. It is time to finish up the day's work with a final job. Writing. An amazing job if you'd ask me.

After cooking, showering, and eating a delicious homemade meal, I sat on my bed and rested my back on its edge with my laptop light on. It is time to imagine and bring forth characters that will add more spice to my story. After typing endlessly and proofreading for the umpteenth time, I had my story published and went over to my notification to reply to comments and read posts until the moment I feel my heart stuck with lightning that gave up the Deja Vu vibe. Smiling heartily again, I went down to the comment section of the post I just read and had a comment made on it. I think... No, I have found someone that shares with me a life I envisioned.

It took a long while before I get a text from Discord. It was a stranger's "Hello" and I wasn't surprised he sent a message. Remember the comment I dropped off on the post that gave me a dejavu vibe? Oh, yes!!! I may have stylishly dropped my Discord username in the comment. Yeah, I know. He is the writer and to confess, he is fashionably good-looking too. How incredible!!!

After a long chat with him, I found my heart wanting more as I smiled stupidly at my phone's screen. We got to know each other better as we continued chatting the next day and days after that. It is crazy to see how I was able to make out time even in my busy schedule. We are always in each other life, every day. I think I have found the one... Awwnnn.

The more we chatted and spoke on phone, the more we crave each other's attention even after we found ways to meet. You won't be too surprised to hear this as here I am after months with a goofy smile on my lips... Hehe.

Don't tell me you didn't hear the sound of a wedding bell.

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