Silverware Dinner


Silverware Dinner

There are worse fates than a cruel death from an executioner's blade or a monster's fangs. I can give you an example of such fate...Prison cells of the Grey Rock Castle. The heartlessly small and cramped dungeon descends into cursed darkness, where inmates are forgotten and left to perish. The inhabitants are enclosed by the damp walls. No light can reach there, no windows. The only company there is the annoying drip of water—and the skittering of rats beneath around the walls.

How many months have I been here? How many times have I missed the full moon? I miss the excitement of walking and hunting in the woods... Every breath I take in this damp room is like a heavy stone in my chest. I think I have pneumonia, how can I get out of here? I have to escape... We, have to escape...

"Wake up, you idiot!''
Walking on the cold stones in his thick boots, the drunken guard dragged a silver metal plate into the prison cell.
''Get up and eat shit. I've had enough of you all," he said as he walked to his desk in the corner, lit by a few candles. He started to take a few bites of the fragrant chicken he had cooked for himself.

Even eating every day was torture for us. As I reached for the silver plate, I looked down at the palms of my burnt and calloused hands. I grabbed a few pieces of straw from the bed and tried to eat the mushy food on the plate, trying not to touch the silver. I made eye contact with the mouse watching me through the tiny hole in the corner of the wall to let him know that we were competing with it. If I took too long, he would come and attack the food and try to eat it himself.
I ate it.
I ate, but it was very difficult to eat with the straw and try not to touch the plate. Suddenly the mouse started to run and when I saw it running, I immediately picked up the silver plate and started to pour all the food into my mouth.


Mother nature had created us as predators. Werewolves. But silver... our greatest enemy and the metal that hunts us.
My hands were already burning as if I held a red-hot iron.
I could hear the guard chuckling. Every day the same thing...
Every day he laughs at us. And my other friends' screams of pain echoed in my ears.

At least the mouse was able to feed itself on the pieces of food I dropped in agony.


Week Before Full Moon

Another night. Tonight we were all cranky and it was obvious the night of the full moon was approaching fast. I could feel my muscles fighting to see the light, but there was no window here to see out of.

"You'd be surprised what we find lurking in these goddamn cells. Half the time, I believe shackles and silvers are insufficient and that we should simply burn this place down with all its despicable inhabitants. Perhaps I've been working here for too forever, but the things that end up living within these walls... You can make your own decision."

I could hear the guard talking to someone and footsteps approaching, echoing off the stone floor.
I didn't know I would see him when they arrived in front of the prison cell where I was. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe how big and grown-up he was. My son. What is he doing here? Why is he dressed in such luxurious clothes? When I tried to speak to him, I knew instantly from the sharp look he gave me that he had a plan, and to hide my surprise I looked not at his face, but at his strong muscular arms. His long black hair was thick and long, and it fell around his neck. With a glance, he continued walking toward the other cell.
''I see it, Mr. Growley. They are all dirtier and vengeful than each other.''
''Oh don't ask, sir, that's why we are having a hard time, believe me, we are a little short of men here, and if your men can help us, we think we can take care of these prisoners more easily.''
''We have a price, just hope your lord will accept it.''

Full Moon

We were sweating.
We all needed to run and hunt. We needed to feel the wind on our skin. We were created by Mother Nature to fight abominations, hunt, feel the rush and run with our wolves. Not to rot in cells. Not to be tortured.
We were one of the greatest forces of nature, as strong as a grizzly bear, as agile as a wolf, and as sharp-sighted as an eagle. But we ended up here!
That night, the prison was filled with the grunts, murmurs, and howls of all my friends, but the agonized screams of their bodies that could not transform.

Suddenly I heard a lot of footsteps on the stairs, they were coming. They were banging on the bars of our cells and pointing their silver-forged spears at us so that the lords of the castle would not be disturbed in their sleep. They were going to have fun and check on us at the same time.
But I saw new guards among them, people I had never seen before.
''Well, boys, it's the big day. Remember I'm paying you to help me, now point your beautiful spears into the cell and start having fun ahahahaha''

Some of those who came hesitated to pick up their spears. When they looked at us and I locked eyes with them, I realized that they had an animal instinct to pity us. I kept looking into their eyes like a cornered wild dog asking for help, and suddenly the spear stabbed the guard in the back. Piercing through his chest!

''Come on guys, hurry up, hurry up! Hey, Barlas! Your son is waiting for you on the hill in the forest. Run, Barlas. Run!''

He took the keys from the guard's pockets and started to quickly open all our cells. We ran quickly towards the stone stairs so that he wouldn't be in danger and we wouldn't mistakenly attack him. We were almost transformed.
When I looked at my friends, their expressions were a mixture of pain and happiness, excitement and fear. We ran outside and saw the moonlight, wondering if this was really happening.

Silvery moonlight rains down on me like arrows from the sky. My guts squirm, followed by searing agony in my arms and legs, and head. Joints pop, knocking me to my knees.
As my body boiled with adrenaline, I felt the coldness of the castle stones on my knees. My brow furrows. The smell and taste of blood wash over me as I stop, the colors shifting. My nose grows larger and darker, I could almost smell the perfume of the noble frightened lady watching us from the window. My teeth bleed and elongate. My rough gray hair crackles as it grows out of my skin in seconds. My black as the shadows and my claws flare from my digits.
My rage silences my last cohesive thought as I curve my back and howl.


We started running towards the forest. If other soldiers caught us, they could put us back in the cells. Also, the feel the urge to hunt started to take over. I remember jumping over the ramparts and clawing the chest of a surprised soldier. Then we continued running through the thick trees and the moonlit greenery.
We are free.
And we have a Vampire Lord to kill!

This story is inspired by The Ink Well Prompt #99 Fate

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like it!

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