Brace the Storm

It didn't take a captain of many years to see what was happening. Even Jason, who had joined the ship from the harbor only a few days ago, could see it. A tornado, a hurricane, loomed on the horizon, approaching the ship like an angry rod of God.

Jason began to think to himself, "Is this really going to be my last day?"


He was about to get lost in his thoughts when he suddenly realized that dark clouds were gathering around them. Then lightning flashed and began to illuminate the wooden deck of the ship. The creaking boards seemed to be fighting and screaming to be his coffin. Jason also heard a human voice among these sounds. His friend Pierre, who had told him to join the ship, was shouting.

"Hoist the sails! We must get the wind behind us. Come on! Move quickly! This is no time to dawdle! You're not ladies waiting for a carriage! You're all strong sailors! Straighten the ropes!"

It was as if Jason had woken up from a shock. The voices around him started to get louder and he could hear people talking again. The captain was up there at the helm, yelling and shouting orders to the working sailors. Everyone was doing something. Looking at the captain's face, Jason realized that he was agitated as the lightning lit up his features.


"If even the captain of all those years is this agitated, there must surely be a dangerous storm coming," Jason boy thought as he began to help others on deck.

He was only 17 years old and wanted to see the world. His friend Pierre had told him about the ports of many countries. Beautiful girls would be waiting for that boy in every harbor. He would taste different alcohol cocktails in different countries. Yes, he knew that he would have to work hard on the ship, but he would forget all that when he woke up and walked on the beaches among the white sands. He would also be able to bring money home to his mother. He agreed to be away from his family for who knows how many months. At least his friend would be with him. If he had a problem, he could share it with him and talk to him. Jason also liked to draw with charcoal. He drew a picture of the girl he loved and kept it in his bag. He also dreamed of painting in the countries he visited. This time not in charcoal, but in color, so that he could show how colorful and beautiful the world was.

Jason even thought that maybe I would become a painter in the future and earn more money. I could paint portraits of rich people with a lot of money and make a living that way. Yes, maybe I won't be as good as the master Da Vinci, but I will do my best, he dreamed.

Jason was awakened from his reverie by the splash of cold, salty sea water that slapped him across the face.

"To the sails! The captain was screaming at the top of his lungs and his throat was sure to hurt tomorrow. If there was a tomorrow...

Jason's body was so soaked that he didn't need to take off his shirt to count his bones. When he had joined the ship, Bosun had asked if he could do it, as he was already a weak boy. Pierre supported him and they convinced Bosun.

Jason was helping workers he didn't know. They had left the harbor only two days before, but now they were trying to survive together. They quickly secured the ropes on all sides. They trimmed the sails as the captain had ordered. The ship started to turn and began to rock. It almost tipped over, but righted. The captain continued to steer the ship, worried.


Jason looked at his friend Pierre, who had black, strong hair and a sharp, determined look. He locked eyes with him and Pierre winked at him, as if everything was going to get better.


Suddenly the ship hit a huge wave and Jason watched in slow motion as Pierre fell over the side of the ship. As his friend fell, lightning seemed to move in slow motion across the sky towards the sea. Pierre was smiling. But he was quickly falling on his back into the sea.

Just then Jason tried to reach out and save him and shouted, "Noo!" The people around and the other crew were so surprised that they ran to help. The water on the deck made it difficult to walk.

Jason came to the edge of the deck and looked down from the handholds.

"Dude, you've got to pull me up or I'm going to catch a cold and get sick in this cold."

Pierre was clinging for dear life to the rope tied around his waist, which was beating him against the side of the ship, while he tried to hold on to the ship. The cold, salty waves were beating him.


Jason did not hide his surprise and quickly started pulling on the rope. Other sailors came to help and they too helped, panic-stricken. Once Pierre was safely on deck, Jason looked around the waist of the other sailors and saw ropes tied around all of them. Thick and strong ropes.

''Pierre! I was scared to death!

"You deserve a whiskey to warm you up tonight, my friend."

The sailors began to sing in unison. Suddenly the cold rainwater and the salty waves seemed too weak for fight. Thinking I can do this, he tied a strong rope around his waist and tied the other end to the mast. He looked toward the captain. The captain smiled up at Jason, his wet and extinguished pipe still in his mouth. He spoke in a thick, deep voice, as if the lightning had paused for him to speak.

''Welcome, young man.''

This story is written for and inspired by The Ink Well Prompt #104 Suspense.
I hope you like it. Thank you very much for reading.

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