Either/Or, Fine

Wow, I actually came to the finale of this series. Some stories weren't published here for a variety of reasons, none of them are bad. In the upcoming weeks, I will be putting all of the stories, along with the "Horribly Written Diaries" into one book. As for now, enjoy the last horribly written story.


As I woke up in my house at two in the morning with a sore neck, I wished that time at least granted me the courtesy of a checkpoint of sorts. A point in time to which I could return, a point before all the choices that ended with me holding divorce papers. Or, a moment before each choice. Some intergalactic entity that could manipulate time.

I looked around the house, it's funny how the silence of not having noises by children or a mother strictly disciplining them can scream the loudest when you're alone.

I looked around the house, everything was dead. In the garden, the flowers all suffered fatigue, the grass looked unprepared to face the sun ever again. Despite all the lights I keep turned on to keep the darkness away, it all felt like a dark hole.

As I walked through my house into the garden, I could feel that I wasn't welcomed anymore. Not by the furniture, not by the television, not by the flowers, and the doors couldn't wait to be closed with me outside. All angry at me for pushing my family away with my actions, all angry that they can no longer see the joy in their life.

Up in the distance, through the air, I saw a light. It looked like it was staring at me. Could it be just a passing star? Or could it be that the intergalactic entity is finally granting me my checkpoint after it was too late? But was it too late? I looked at the house behind and aimed to bring life back into it.

I left the house and marched toward my wife's apartment before the ex gets added to her name. I marched without caring about anything else. I had one goal in mind; bringing everything back together.

Upon my march, I didn't notice a sleeping dog to the side. The dog woke up and started barking at me viciously. I know I couldn't turn back, so I just waited until the dog finished barking and ran away into the same path I was going.

Contemplating whether it was a good idea while talking myself to have something good to say, I reached the building. After all, who would want a sad man like me back?

But, as I was about to enter the building, I noticed another dog near the entrance. It was wounded and looked weak as it tried to get up while barking at me viciously. Shortly after, I saw the same dog from before coming to help it up. It took a short while, but in a moment the two shared their power and started running together as I watched them disappear into the night.

I knocked on the apartment building and pleaded for my wife to forgive me and take me back.

"Listen, please", I said while holding the divorce paper "If you say no, I will sign these papers and won't be a trouble for you. I will quit my late-night calls and any other attempt. I won't lie and say I have changed already, but I will say that I am honestly open to losing all my bad habits. I just know, I will need you to help me through that. I know I haven't been the greatest husband and father ever, but I promise you that I will try to be"

My wife smiled "Okay, let's give this another shot"

The next day my wife brought the kids and returned home. Day by day we brought life back into the house, now the flowers and grass looked strong. The door couldn't wait to welcome me back. As years went by, the furniture looked joyous to have us around. The light couldn't stop shining even as the house was at its darkest.

On a joyful morning, I walked into the garden and looked up to the sky only to see that mysterious light again. I focused on it until all the morning lights turned back into the night. All the new years we lived in the house have disappeared as the flowers and grass looked weak again. I had finally activated my checkpoint. I looked at the house behind and aimed to bring life back into it.

I left the house and marched toward my wife's apartment before the ex gets added to her name. I marched without caring about anything else. I had one goal in mind; bringing everything back together.

Upon my march, I noticed a sleeping dog to the side. I slowed down my pace so I wouldn't wake it up. And shortly after, it was sleeping behind me.

As I was about to enter the building, I noticed another dog near the entrance. It was wounded and looked weak as it tried to get up while barking at me viciously. It made me think, maybe some creatures deserve to be alone. And a call for help is worthless without the work put into it.

I knocked on the apartment building and as I waited until my wife answered, I stared at the divorce paper. I grabbed the pen I kept in my pocket and signed it. My wife opened the door.

"Listen, please", I said while holding the divorce paper "I will quit my late-night calls and any other attempt. I won't lie and say I have changed already, but I will say that I am honestly open to losing all my bad habits. I know I haven't been the greatest husband and father ever, but I promise you that I will try to be the best ex-husband and father, at least"

I handed her the paper as we gave each other a look of acceptance to the way things ended.

The next day I woke up and started watering the garden, fixing the furniture, and cleaning the house. Day by day I brought life back into the house, now the flowers and grass looked strong as they looked forward to my kids visiting on the weekends. As years went by, the furniture looked joyous to have us around. The light couldn't stop shining even as the house was at its darkest.

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