Henrietta wrote: Dear Diary... (The inkwell prompt #92)

Henrietta was born into the family of Mr. Stephen, a very prominent and beautiful family.

Mr. Stephen was a very busy man who is hardly at home, but ever since Henrietta was born, he had to look for a job that will give him enough time to be involved in his daughter's life because she was the only child.

"Darling, Henrietta seems to make a strange sound, and blink too often and I am not comfortable with it", Mrs. Stephen complained to her husband one evening after having their dinner.
" Oh, baby it's nothing to worry about, she's just a growing child, I am sure she would outgrow all of those traits," Her husband comforted her with those words.
Mrs. Stephen believed him and patiently hope to see improvement as their daughter grows older.

Days, Weeks, months, and years passed by but Henrietta's condition got worse at this point her mother decided to visit a medical practitioner as she felt it wasn't normal.

How exactly does Henrietta behave? Henrietta is a very promising young lass, she always wears a smile and she is very creative, she was born with the ability to draw and paint perfectly however sometimes, she will jerk her head, roll her eyes, blink often and shrug her shoulder and make a "tchi,tchi,tchi tchi," sound especially when she's unhappy or upset, whenever her dad and mom watch her do this, they sometimes feel pity for her, as it were like we were struggling to communicate .

"Baby, I would be taking Henrietta to the hospital, I'm not comfortable with the sounds she makes," Mrs.Stephen told her husband and this time was almost crying.
"I need to know what's wrong with my darling daughter"

This time, her husband willingly accepted to go with her
"Baby, I will accompany you tomorrow.", he replied.

The next day arrived
" Henrietta, are you all set? we are leaving now, please finish up your food".

"Ok mom, I am almost ready" she replied

Mr. Stephen was all set and was seated in the car, waiting for His wife and beautiful daughter to tag along, they finally came out of the house, and off they went to the hospital


At the hospital
Mr. Fash their family doctor came out with a file in his hands and asked to see only Mr. Stephen.
A few minutes later, Mr. Stephen came out of the doctor's office looking so sad, his wife and daughter immediately noticed.

"Dad, what's the matter? Is it something serious? Henrietta innocently asked.
There was no reply, Mr. Stephen didn't know what exactly to tell her.
" No honey, it is nothing serious, you are fine, can we all go home now?"
His wife worriedly asked, "is there something you're not telling me, why are you cold Stephen?"
" Baby, it's nothing, when we get home we will talk about it", he lovingly replied.

At home
Everyone was eagerly waiting to hear from Mr.Stephen, finally he broke the ice
"Henrietta, can you please excuse us? I want to have a word with mommy".

Henrietta obediently left, however, she went behind the door eavesdropping


" Baby, here is the result of the diagnosis, he handed her the envelope, she quickly opened it to read
"Oh my God, So Henrietta has Tourette syndrome,"
Immediately, Henrietta ran to her room, to look up what Tourette syndrome meant

"Daddy said, I was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, she reached for her iPad and typed "What is Tourette syndrome?", she took her time to read the answer and immediately she screamed out loud and she started to cry, in a few minutes her parent was in the room with her, pacifying her,

" Henrietta, don't tell me you eavesdropped," as she saw what was on Henrietta's iPad
"Look here Honey, I and daddy promise to shower you tender loving care against all odds, you are priceless and we love you whether with Tourette syndrome or not", her mommy loving comforted her.
Her daddy added, "though this ailment has no cure, we would do all we can to help you manage it, please do not let it tamper your self-esteem, you are a gift to us and we will give you the best life ever, now clean those tears of yours, here are some things you can do to help yourself" he started to tell her all doctor Fash said, he and his wife gave her a warm embrace, reassuring her of their love and support.


Night falls
Henrietta was about to sleep but she had to write in her diary how the day went as if it was her ritual.

Dear Diary, 12-6-6
At the tender age of twelve, I was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, but mom and dad promised to shower me with tender loving care, so I have nothing to worry about, I have the best family ever and I have vowed to live my life to the full, Tourette Syndrome can't stop me, she happily wrote and after that, she went to bed knowing her parent still loved her.

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