The devil is in the details

Hey everyone. I hope that you all are fine. I was living in a hostel in Lahore, one of the biggest and most beautiful cities on Pakistan. I lived there for around one year for my studies. I was a hostler and shared my room with two other fellow students who were from my own hometown. They were Shoeb and Kamran.

Living with them was fun until I realized that they were back stabbing me. I realized this though the details in whatever they said. As they say and as the prompt says. the devil is in the details.

I was a lot ahead of them in my studies. I have always been sincere with my studies because I have never liked wasting my time on futile things unlike them. I always over-performed them, my marks were always higher then them even though we studied and lived together. I always tried to help them, but they thought I was being superior and arrogant.

One day, when I was in my academy in the canteen revising my notes. A girl came to me and requested me to help her with some current affairs topics. I politely helped her and we sat together. When I came back home, I received a call from my mother. She was furious and angry at me. She said," We have sent you there to study and not to roam with some random girls, you have tough exams coming up.How can you be so irresponsible?" I was shocked to the core. She even sent me a picture of myself and that girl in the canteen.

I told her the truth and she was relaxed that I was helping a girl and not wandering around. I asked her who sent her this picture. She told me that she got it from a random unknown number. I was puzzled as to who could do this. Then I realized that only my roommates have the number of my parents and they have a motive to bring me down as well. This detail opened my eyes. Another detail is that my friend and ex roommate Kamran always takes rotated and tilted photos. He did this in this case as well. After giving it a good thought, I could see everything who did this to me.

I was shaken to the core. I had never harmed them. They should not have involved my parents because they are very sensitive and have a lot of hopes from me. It broke my heart. I did not fight them. I just told them that "I genuinely thought we were really good friends." I changed my room that very day and requested them to never show me their faces.

Yes, I did see the devil in the details, but I still wish that they should not have done it to me and to my parents. I hope that they are fine. I have no grudges for them in my heart. I have forgiven them for good times sake.

I hope that you liked the blog. Have you ever witnessed something similar? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below so that we can learn and grow together. Thank you for your time and support. It means a lot to me. Follow for more such content.

Ps: The pictures are mine taken with my Google pixel.

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