A day of my life.

Good day to you all.

I remain this humble soul who is always ready to appreciate my existence on the surface, once we realize that staying alive is never by our power or might then we know that all we have to do in life is to thank God for his mercy and grace over us.

What if I am to live a typical day of my life? How would I love it to be?

If dreams were horses, beggars would surely ride. Many times when we would be left with no option but to dwell on our imaginations and see life from a different perspective. It’s much easier to fall into those imaginary worlds than to have them in reality.

Many days when I would wake up and think about my plans for the day not at the end of it all my day might be channeled some other way. Yet I still have to live it because it’s what I wanted for myself.

A day of my life.

There are times when the 24 hours of a day would seem not to be enough for us to enjoy the day. We feel it’s just too short and hope the hours could be extended. And there are days when the hours would seem too long and we wish the day would just pass by and open to another day.

I would love to see myself wake up as early as possible in the morning. At least by 4 am, I should be awake already. Then I am going to get myself prepared for prayers. As Muslims, we know that we can’t have that long sleep till day time. So wake up and pray around 5 am to 6 am. That would be the first thing for the day.

Typically, the life of an agriculturist is what I would love to see myself dwell in. After prayer, the next thing to do is to get my kits and head over to the farm. I would love to see myself in the livestock field of agriculture but having both isn’t something bad.

The chickens must have been so hungry since it was daytime already. I will get their drinkers and feeders washed and refilled with feeds and water. Give them their vaccination and make sure they are all healthy. Clean up the cage and make sure the environment is clean and safe.

When I am done with the chickens, I will head over to the fish farm. Check on their performance. Unlike chickens that take their meal thrice a day, the fishes take theirs twice and don't need much attention like the chickens. After feeding the fish in their pond, I will change their water too, and then make sure to sort them.

Done with the fish? Then the next thing to do is to head over to the rabbit yard. Feed those cuties and then clean their cages too.

After doing this, time must have gone a little. Get to clean up and take a nice bath for the day.

After taking my bath, since I am still single I would get to prepare something to eat. Life as a farmer. I shouldn’t be lacking foodstuffs. Everything should be intact in the fridge. Fresh vegetables, fresh peppers, tomatoes, oven-dried fish, and fresh fish are available in the pond.. fresh and roasted chicken are in one section of the fridge too. All I want to take for the day must be supplemented with fresh eggs and fruits.

Prepare something nice... For breakfast, I would prefer to have some white meat (rabbit meat) and fruit juice. That’s okay. Get it done and take breakfast.

As a farmer, I am self-employed. I don’t have to rush myself anywhere to greet “good morning”. I am the boss of myself. I would love to do three things during my leisure time. Come online on the hive and engage, watch movies, and take a quick nap.

When it’s noon, I will feed the chicken and get back to the hive platform again.
Get something for lunch.

By evening time I would take a walk around, or pay a visit to my friends around me. While I am time conscious, I depart when it’s time to feed the animals again. Get the evening feeding done and take another bath to close the day's job.

After a bath and dinner, I settle in my room and get online again. Read and engage till I fall asleep for another beautiful day to rise and shine again.

If I could practice an imaginary day in my life. This would be how my day would look like. No stress because I want to live longer and enjoy my life to the fullest. Life is too short 😂.

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See you again next time…

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