This is getting good...

Category: gaming
Sub-category: Final Fantasy IX

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I really wasn't planning on streaming tonight. I thought I'd be working tonight. But, of course, the little one decided that he was gonna get the Chicken Pox and left me sitting here at home today. So I'm gonna make the most of it and stream some more! Final Fantasy IX is getting good, I have a new setup to test out, this is a great night for this!

Earlier this month, I uplaoded a video unboxing an awesome little thing called Video Games Monthly. If you missed out on the unboxing video, check it out on LBRY by clicking here or check it out on Youtube by clicking here. I'll have another video next week, got another awesome game to talk about!

As a reminder, I will be streaming The Jungle book on the Game Gear tomorrow night. Make sure you tune in!

Question of the Stream: When you're feeling down, what's the best way to cheer you up?

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