[Live] Enter the Atlas...Is that like Enter the Dragon?

Game (Category): Path of Exile

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Welcome back to the House of Dancing Arrows! It's Friday, and the weekend is here! We just got confirmation today that Teddy's school is back to normal. Hooray! We'll be sending him back to play with his friends starting on Monday.

But for now, let's dive back into Path of Exile. I'm taking a brief break from DK64 because I just hit the endgame content this league, and we should totally go run around and have fun with that instead of doing super serious banana gathering.

Question of the day: I'm thinking about rolling up a HC toon tonight. If you're here in time, what class should I pick?

Did you know I have a merch store? Go buy a shirt and help support my channel: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/HoDA

If shirts aren't your thing, I opened an Etsy store! There's only one item in stock right now, but once people start buying that, I will add new items to the storefront! The more people buy what's currently available, the more new designs you'll see!


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This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv
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