Cyberbuzz Radio LIVE with Crimsonclad - New Synths, Fooling the Viral AI, and a bit of HIVE

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Livestream (Category): Podcast/Radio Show

Click here to watch a replay of this Cyberbuzz Radio Live recorded episode on Youtube 👀

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CyberBuzz Radio is a love affair with neon drenched disruptive tech and great synthwave music

I livestream every week with new music and artists to share, do Q&A about the Hive blockchain and beyond, with great discussions and dance parties around some of the changing aspects of our world, the crypto space, blockchain, and community. Have fun, learn a little, chat a lot, ponder whether or not we're all just replicants... what are you waiting for? Come join me in the neon~
We're just normal friends with abnormal everything else🖤

【In this episode...】

We're finally getting back into the swing of things after poor Cyberbuzz has been stuck by the wayside through family tragedies and time on the road. I hate missing out on doing shows, but sometimes this prime time weekend spot coincides with life and I can't always make both things work! I know it can be tough for all of you to attend live as well, which is why I'm doing some switching up of how live shows will go out and when replays are available; I want you to feel like you never have to miss out, no matter what your schedule or preferences end up looking like. HOWEVER now I'm back and this episode's chat is a great one SO let's move on and talk about the wild deep machine learning AI trends taking over the neenernets right now.

Kickoff music from Delerium is a bit deeper than the standard Cyberbuzz synths, but we have to mix it up sometimes:

After crazy beautiful weeks in Alaska, and the passing of a dear family member, it feels like I've been away forever, and in the cryptospace, forever passes in the blink of an eye. Since we're all here, plugged into social and powered by blockchain, you've probably forgotten all about me! Getting back and seeing the internet absolutely covered in GAN generated text prompt neural images has been quite a trip. See a few examples below if you've somehow been stuck under a rock:

So, if you're not sure what you're looking at and you somehow missed this stuff sweeping social media, these are images that are generated on the spot by a GAN- a generative adversarial network. We discuss the trajectory of AI networks and the slow spiral towards the "intelligent" part of artificial intelligence beginning with being able to sort data really fast, through being able to guess and check to help move through and process data faster, to the point where we are now: networks that are 'learning' how to continue to iterate through their own results to teach themselves to do something better... eventually not needing us to learn (and do) at all. If Dall-E Mini, Midjourney, Wombo, Deep Dream, and others are the public funny business versions that everyone is just having a laugh about while trying to come up with the absolute most offensive, outlandish or hilarious terms... imagine what the real tech that we normies aren't allowed to play with is accomplishing in the background. Whew, lad.

There is no more powerful source for infinite, varied and ever evolving input data than an internet full of bored people who really want to see if they can "trick" a computer program into making an image of a squirrel wearing the baseball player makeup from the Warriors painting the empire state building pink.

Take a deep breath and have some upbeat citypop synths while you chew that one over. In this case, a track that I'm pretty sure references a streamer with HUGE... tracts of land, and lovely orange hair (who also is not me please stop 😭):

As we coast into the mid-way point of the show, we're still talking about the implications of this sort of tech. In some ways, the world is creatively about to change forever. The ability to conjure up an image of anything, any time, in any style is incredible. For content creators, writers, or other disciplines where art is needed to accompany other forms of expression with an aim to make sure originality and relevancy heighten the experience, it's an incredible benefit! But there are some sinister sides to it as well- GANs which learn to produce any sort of image by definition will have learned to identify the components that are present in any image. By learning to create, these AI networks are learning to recognize, sort, and probably most eerily: infer. What could you do if you had the capability of analyzing all data in existence as it happens in real time and sorting, collecting, collating and learning from it, in any way you please, with the accuracy, speed, and unflagging stamina of a supercomputer? Oh. Yikes.

Cry Cry Cry is an incidental title. This isn't scary or threatening at all. We're all fine:

Most people have had experience with the "Does Not Exist" family of GAN tools- This Cat, This Resume, This Snack... click here for a huge listing of GANs pumping out an infinite number of things and stuff that has never existed. But one- This Person Does Not Exist- really started it all, and it also highlighted a big concern that probably passed a lot of us by in the insanity of the past few years. Namely, big, private corporate GAN tools that scrape the internet to build incredibly detailed and accurate facial recognition profiles that can find YOU just by seeing you, figure out what you're doing and feeling by your expressions and movements, and pair all of that up with a suite of known information that you've unknowingly provided publicly through you interactions on the internet. It's automated smart surveillance portals to a hellscape dystopian future, really. Gateways even, if you will. (Bad music segue.)

Honestly, the claim that this is the "Definitive 80s Sci Fi Documentary Soundtrack" is, without a doubt, fully substantiated:

How do we as individuals continue to be citizens of a global web3, be content creators, personalities, identities and share one of the most human of urges- to see each other's faces- without playing straight into some of the more terrifying aspects of openly sharing the data that is ourselves out around the internet?

Check out Fawkes: This is a tool designed to "poison" the images you upload so that while they look unaltered to the human eye, the base data is changed enough that the dragnet of a facial recognition service powered by the awesome potential of GAN technology can't recognize you. There's some awesome information at this link, including some of the interesting things that may have snuck by you in the past few insane years- namely, clearview AI scraping three BILLION images from the web to start database building, and that Microsoft Azure has already optimized once to try to figure out how to stop Fawkes from thwarting their tools. (Don't worry, Fawkes has already updated to continue to befuddle ol' Billy.)

Taken from the project website: one of these two pictures of a sharply be-hatted smiling reptile has been "poisoned" by Fawkes. Can you tell which one is the original?

The machine might be able to copy our faces, but we're not quite at the point of Mind Sync yet.

Winding down towards the end of our discussion, I talk a little about Hivefest. Namely, I want to know your opinion on some topics that stretch beyond just dApp presentations and if you'd be interested hearing a talk on them.

Unfortunately, there's a good chance the talk would be given by me, so keep that in mind as you try to weigh what you're most interested in for the next big gathering of the community minds. I LOVE the buidl attitude of Hive- but often, we don't talk a lot about the overarching topics, whether hype-driving or philosophy focused. So this year at Hivefest, instead of speaking on behalf of some of the teams and projects I'm part of (or perhaps in addition to), how would you feel about me tackling this particular gap? Do you have something you wish would be turned into a presentation or fireside discussion? How do you feel about some of the big "C words" when it comes to Hive? No. Not that one. No, not that other one either. NO, not "C"rimsonclad. I'm talking about customer. Consumer. These are sometimes dirty words in web3, but they're a part of what makes successful ecosystems. Maybe we should think (talk) about it. Let me know in the comments.

Don't forget that Maxium Love I have for you. Spinning through the galaxy, illuminated by the soft glow of planets, anchoring me when I'm adrift. Forever.


⚠️【please note:】where's all the music at, Crim?

All musical portions have been cut from this episode as the video would be fully blocked in all countries around the world otherwise. While Cyberbuzz Radio is LIVE radio with the goal of helping you find artists and music that you love, replays can often fall under YT's content bans. Checking out the music on other platforms like Bandcamp or Spotify is the right way to experience quality and support the bands anyways, so it's for the best. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Bring your topics, Q&A and anything you might want to talk about on the Hive blockchain, synthwave, disruptive tech, crypto, and beyond~

I hope you have as much fun attending, participating in, or rewatching these Cyberbuzz Radio shows as I do creating them for you. 🖤

If you have questions, comments, or a topic or project you want me to feature on the show, shoot me a message! The idea of a combination livestream/podcast/live radio show is a bit confusing, but I'm so proud of what we're creating. If you want to find more amazing shows by cool people from around the Hive blockchain community, check out all of the djs from @mspwaves and the full schedule at

Catch you out there in the flickering neon sometime?

This episode post was generated from the original episode live stream on a portion of the rewards go to Vimm and helping support an awesome Hive dApp. It's been updated to include the replay for you to enjoy, but to get the full experience, you should absolutely head over to Vimm and join me live each week!

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